
The battle replay link:

I've decided to give it a try for this weekly challenge that uses the Spineback Turtle card. This is my first time and hope to do more in the future.
我决定尝试一下这个使用 Spineback Turtle 卡的每周挑战。这是我第一次的参与,希望以后能做更多。

Spineback turtle is a common Alpha/Beta water splinter card that we used to have but it is now not available anymore as one of the starter cards.
Spineback turtle 是我们曾经拥有的一张Common的 Alpha/Beta 水卡,但现在它已经不在起始卡之内了。

For this game's ruleset, we have Silence Summoners and Little League.
这场游戏的规则是,沉默召唤师和小联盟。(直接谷歌翻译 lol)

Vera Salacia - I'm using this summoner in this game because it's my only high level water summoner plus it's a Silence Summoners game, so I can take advantage of the summoners level to use higher level monsters and don't have to worry about opponent's summoner's skill at the same time.

Spineback Turtle - It is a great card to use in a Little League ruleset game, with only 4 Mana, a shield with 6HP, it provides tremendous value.

Parasitic Growth - With opportunity and 2 attack points, I can quickly destroy opponent's monster with low HP.

Merdaau Guardian - Adding Merdaau Guardian would increase the survivability and resilience of my Spineback Turtle since it has a decent amount of HP.
添加 Merdaau Guardian 会增加我的Spineback Turtle的生存能力和恢复力,因为它拥有相当多的 HP。

Pelacor Bandit - Since I am using a higher level summoner, I wanted to take advantage of the monsters level here with my pelacor bandit that has 2 attack points and sneak attack. It would destroy opponent's backline very quickly.
由于我使用的是比较更等级别的召唤师,因此我想利用具有2攻击点和偷袭的 Pelacor Bandit。它会很快摧毁对手的后防线

Uraes - Same thing goes to Uraes, a shield to absorb one sneak attack and 2 attack point with sneak attack destroy opponent's backline

Kulu Swimhunter - Added another range card at the back, absorbing damage while dishing out decent range damage.


Round 0 - Opponent went for life splinter, decent hit points but lack of damage.
对手使用Life Splinter,生命值不错,但缺乏伤害。


After Round 1 - His Elven Mystic got destroyed by my sneak attackers and his Celestial Harpy also got evaporated by my opportunity attack card. At the same time, my Spineback turtle is barely scratched because the opponent's attack is too spread out, one sneak attack my backline, 2 magic attacks and 2 physical attacks. My Spineback turtle absorbs both physical attacks with shields and that 2 magic attacks are being healed by my Merdaau Guardian.
他的 Elven Mystic 被我的偷袭者摧毁了,他的 Celestial Harpy 也被我的借机攻击卡蒸发掉了。同时,我的Spineback Turtle也因为对方的攻击过于分散,几乎没有被刮伤,1次偷袭我的后排,2次魔法攻击和2次物理攻击。我的Spineback Turtle用盾牌吸收了两次物理攻击,我的 Merdaau Guardian则用治疗恢复了2 次魔法攻击的伤害。


After Round 2 - Again, his backline got destroyed by two of my sneak attackers while my backline range monster got killed but I managed to get rid of his front tank.


After Round 3 - As you can see in the last second round, the enemy stands no chance, his backline got deleted by my sneak attackers, and I broke his last tank shields.
最后第 2 回合,敌人没有机会,他的后排被我的偷袭者删除,我也打破了他最后的坦克护盾。

After Round 4 - Easy win, the enemy stands no chance.

My thoughts
One thing I can improve in this game after watching back my replay is the positioning of my last monster, I should have placed my Uraes at the back so it could absorb an additional attack and it would have been a perfect game where all my monsters would have survived.
回顾我的回放后,我在这场比赛中发现可以改进的一件事是我最后一个怪物的位置,我应该把我的 Uraes 放在后面,这样它就可以吸收额外的攻击,那样将是一个完美的游戏,我所有的怪物都会幸存下来。

This event make me realized how I took the starter cards for granted, it was actually quite a undervalued card that I overlooked before Chaos Legion update took place.
这次的活动让我意识到我是多么地没有好好珍惜之前的入门卡,我之前低估了它的用处,尤其是在Chaos Legion后更能体现出来。

My youtube video on explaining Splinterland
解释关于 Splinterland 的 Youtube 视频

Here's my splinterland referral link:


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