The two new cards that are coming "Night Stalker" and "Delya" to the Splinterlands universe🌟 Social Media 🌟

Night Stalker and Delya are the 2 new cards that are coming, Delya has a peculiar ability which is "Dodge", which makes it a great card which will be very broken in the next few days of its launch, you must be eager to get them, isn't that right?


Night Stalker


When the Belurocian Empire joined the rebellion, Barashkukor sent a contingent of the Darkguard to Necrulencia to liberate the city. Among them was the onyx orc Jasch Mochmul.

They devised a plan to assassinate the legion's commander there, but Mochmul argued it would only solidify their enemy's resolve and make it that much harder to mount a resistance. The others scoffed. They were the Darkguard. They would succeed, no matter the civilian casualties.

Night Stalker.jpg

It will cost:




Delya was once an archer of the Xenith Scale, an order of monks sworn to maintain the balance between good and evil. Until they could be certain their actions would not disrupt the balance, they’d refused to stand against the legions of Chaos. Instead, they sent Delya from their Praetorian temple to observe and report. But they failed to grasp the enormous scale of the invasion. By the time they did, it was too late… though perhaps it had always been too late.


It will cost:


Without a doubt these new cards break the Splinterlands universe, are you already eager to get one of them?
