Splinterlands Battles: Commander Slade and Countering Quora


Hello Splinterlands Summoners! Today I will share a couple of my favorite battles from last season. One features my favorite tank from the new reward set and the other is my battle against a fully buffed Quora.

Dodgy Commander Slade


Commander Slade is by far the most utilized reward card that I have. His stats and abilities make him a powerful tank that can rival even legendary tanks like Uriel in this battle. His Enfeeble ability coupled with Dodge augments his defensive capabilities while his speed and damage output makes him a deadly DPS unit.



In this battle, the rulesets were:

Manuevers - all units gain Reach ability
Are you not entertained - One gladiator card maybe used, and
Tis but scratches - All monsters have the cripple ability

My Team

Since the ruleset includes Manuevers, I picked Water to use Coastal Sentry in the second position. For the Gladiator card, I picked Isgald Vorst who has the Opportunity ability. She and Deep Lurker will wreck the opponent backline.

The Opponent

My opponent has a maxed Kelya. He also picked Water and has a higher level Coastal Sentry in the second position. Unfortunately for me, his tank is Djinn Oshannus where Commander Slades Dodge and Enfeeble abilities don't work. My opponent also picked Isgalt as his choice of Gladiator card.

The Battle

My Coastal Sentry and Opportunist pair did their job as damage dealers while Commander Slade served as a tank as his armor and health absorbed a lot of hits. His Dodge skill served him against melee and ranged attacks.

link to battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_022586069194fa851aad1985a5a743f6&ref=logen9f

Countering a Jacked Up Quora

Quora Towershead


Quora is the strongest epic gladiator card. She can deal 2 magic and melee damage, has high health and have the Heal and Bloodlust abilities. This makes her an ideal tank or second tank in battles. She can even be placed in the backline in certain rulesets like Super Sneak or Equal Opportunity. She is powerful and versatile that made her a most sought after Gladiator card.


Since the Martyr ability was introduced, one strategy is to use the ability to buff Quora. This even more powerful in Born Again rulesets where all monsters gain the Rebirth ability which means the monster with Martyr ability can buff Quora twice. Coupled with her Bloodlust ability this will jack up her stats to more than twice.

My Team

This is a low mana battle so I picked Pelacor Conjurer as tank. He will not deal damage but his job is to stay alive so that my damage dealers can do their job. The rest of my team are composed of damaged dealers and Venari Crystal Smith who has the Heal and Dispel ability which is crucial in this battle.

The Opponent

My opponent has Fungus Flinger in the first position and Quora in second. The strategy is to sacrifice his Fungus Flinger to buff Quora.

The Battle


After Quora was buffed her stats were jacked up. She can deal 5 magic and melee damage or a total of 10 in a single turn. This can go up with her Bloodlust skill as she eliminates my units. Thankfully, I have a unit that dispels her buffs and my damage dealers were able to eliminate her.

link to battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_5fe47b597bc70b4994cbb0c056149c69&ref=logen9f


Every battle in Splinterlands is different because of the ruleset. You have to choose your team well in every battle to suit the ruleset. You also need to anticipate the enemy strategy and form a team to counter his. Having more cards in your deck to choose from will give you an advantage. This makes Splinterlands fun and engaging where we collect cards and use them in battle.

Thank you for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!
