Splinterlands EOS - Buying 100 Rare Chests



Hello Splinterlands Summoners! It's the end of another season again and time to spend some Glints in the shop. Today I'll be buying 100 Rare Reward chests to upgrade my collection.

Link to Card Opening


Upgraded Rare Cards

I upgraded most of my rare cards to my desired level and some of them can be used now. Here are some of the cards that I upgraded.

Drybone Megalodon


Drybone Megalodon to level 4. After this upgrade, it gained the Retaliate ability. With these stats and abilities, this will be my main tank in the Fire Splinter going forward.

Commander Slade


This card also levelled up to 4 and gained the Reflection Shield ability which is its third. It also has impressive stats and will replace Diemonshark as my main tank.

Janni Rebel


This levelled up to 4 but only gained another health. I haven't found much use yet for this card but I will probably find use for it in some situations. It's nice to have options.

Skyspire Leopard


After levelling it up to 4 it gained the Void Armor ability. However it only has 3 shields so it's armor is a bit squishy. I can use this one though in low mana battles. It has good stats and abilities.

Dark Arborist


This one gained another magic attack after levelling up to 4. I can already use this in battles since it has good stats and low mana requirement.

Dragon Egg Forager


I only have this one at level 3 but it gained the Scavenger ability which is useful in some rulesets. It also has Opportunity which is great coupled with its 3 melee damage.

Chaos Adjutant


Chaos Adjutant gained the Snare ability at level 4. I can use this in Earthquare rulesets to counter the enemy flyers.

All Rare Cards


Here are my rare cards collection after this upgrade. I wish I was able to upgrade Meriput Slinger as well but I'm missing two BCX. Next season, I'll be buying the Epic reward chests.

Sample Battle

Here's my new Commander Slade in battle. The Reflection Shield ability served him well against Djinn Chwala's Thorns ability.


Thanks for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!
