Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Spending Glints in the Rewards Shop


Hello Splinterlands Summoners! Another season has ended and it's time again to buy some chests. Today I will continue to level up my rare cards collection and will be buying 100 Rare Reward Chests.

Currently, most of my rare cards are at level 2. I will upgrade some of these so that I can a use them in the game competitively. My plan is to reach level 5 and then I will be buying and upgrading the Common cards.


Opening 100 Rare Reward Chests

I bought the first batch of Rare Draw again.


Link to card opening: https://next.splinterlands.com/shop/rewards?t=dd6830ccae58a5167ff33a9b5eaeaa17e05e645b&ref=logen9f

So far here are my Rare cards.


Upgraded Cards to level 3


Drybone Megaladon from level 2 to 3. It has gained one speed and one health. I still need 4 copies for level 4 where it will have a Retaliate ability.


Continuum Seer has the Phase ability at level 3. I have not looked at this card that much because it doesn't have much synergy with my summoner Tarsa but it will probably have utility on low mana battles.


Commander Slade gained one attack and one shield. It's already looking like a beast of a tank with its stats.


Razorhound only gained one additional health. Unlike other cards, this one's upgrade is a bit underwhelming.


Thunderhoof Nomad also just gained one additional health similar to Razorhound. I like this card though since it's a magic Earth card which synergizes with my summoner. It's also only 3 mana which is easy to slot in.


Quilliun Legionary also gained only one health. I like this card since we have a lot of archers only battles. By itself, it makes a good tank with decent health and Thorns ability.


Janni Rebel with one additional health. This card also be used as tank in certain situations with its Inspire and Flank abilities. I'm thinking of synergy with Drybone Barbarian in the second position.


Skyspire Leopard added another attack. This is a good tank for low mana battles. At level 4, it will have a Void ability to make it last longer against magic attacks.


Meriput Slinger now deals 4 ranged damage. Pretty high for a reward card. This can replace the Dhampir Stalker in my deck.


Dark Arborist gains another ability, Magic Reflect. This is a nice addition to my Death Deck which is focused on anti-magic.


Chaos Adjutant gained the Snare ability. I like this card for the Shades of Grey ruleset since I often use the Earth/Magic summoner.

I have some more Glint to spend and I bought 100 common cards.


Link to card opening: https://next.splinterlands.com/shop/rewards?t=cfed5bf6edc291a578f4352c616ee973e079ba06&ref=logen9f

Here are my common cards so far.


It's fun opening a lot of chests and upgrading my deck. Some of these cards are really strong and may become key cards in the future. I'm looking forward to next season as I continue with my plan to level up my rare and common cards.

Thanks for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!
