Battle Mage Secrets - Noxious Fumes


It's time again for another Battle Mage Secrets post. Every week, Splinterlands has a Battle Mage Secrets Challenge, and each week the challenge varies. What you need to do is create a post about your battle, following the ruleset for that week's challenge.

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For this week's challenge, the ruleset is Noxious Fumes or poisoned. The Noxious Fumes ruleset is quite difficult and one of my least favorite because in this ruleset, all units are poisoned from the start of the battle, and each round the poison reduces the health of your units and your opponent's units.

The only way to survive this ruleset and win the battle is to have units with the Immunity ability. Units with the Immunity ability are immune to negative status effects, so they are not affected by the poison ruleset.

Here are the cards with Immunity Ability Click Here to view Source and to learn more about Immunity Ability


Image Source:

Another effective counter to the poison ruleset is to have units with the Cleanse ability. Units with the cleanse ability can remove all negative effects from their friendly units.

Here are the cards with Cleanse Ability Click Here to view Source and to learn more about Cleanse Ability

Image Source:

It is also beneficial to have units with Healing abilities because they can heal each round, restoring the health lost to the poison.

Here are the cards with Healing Ability Click Here to view Source and to learn more about Healing Ability


Image Source:

Some players, when faced with a poison ruleset, use units with the martyr ability and position them between the units they want to strengthen.

Here are the cards with Cleanse Martyr Click Here to view Source and to learn more about Martyr Ability


Image Source:

My Battle

Battle Link - Click Here

Battle Share

Battle Rules


Rulesets: Noxious Fumes - All units are poisoned at the start of the battle, and each round the poisoned units lose health.

corrosive fog.png

Corrosive Fog - All units lose armor each round, and their maximum armor is also reduced, so even if you have repair abilities, you can't repair much of your units' armor.


Even Stevens - Only units with an even number of Mana cost can be used in the battle.

Mana Cap: 59

Elements Allowed: All except Death.

These battle rules are quite difficult because, aside from losing health from poison each round, your armor is also reduced by the corrosive fog. The most challenging part of the battle rules is the addition of Even Stevens, where only cards with an even number of mana can be used, limiting your choices.

My Battle Strategy

Since this is a Battle Mage Secrets post, you should have a strategy for the battle. So what was my strategy?

I chose Kelya Frendul as my summoner because I planned to use water element cards, and with Kelya, you get a speed advantage, which is beneficial in the battle. Due to the Even Stevens ruleset, I thought of my even-numbered mana cards, and Baakjira immediately came to mind. I planned to use this card because this is often my tank due to its healing ability and strengthen ability, which are great for the Noxious Fumes ruleset.

I also needed a unit with the Cleanse ability, and I have two units with that ability, Sea Stalker and River Nymph. I usually pair Baakjira with a unit that has the Weapons Training ability, but unfortunately, there is no even-numbered water unit with weapons training.

The idea was for my units to survive until all opponents are poisoned. The only problem would be if the opponent has a unit with cleanse or immunity ability that can attack, because even if Baakjira survives, it will lose if it cannot attack.

My Team

Kelya Frendul.png

Summoner: Kelya Frendul
Level 8
Buffs: Speed +1, Armor +1.

This summoner is great because it increases the speed and armor of my units. If my units are faster, they attack first, which is an advantage for quickly finishing the battle.


Tank: Baakjira
Level 4
Attack: None
Abilities: Void, Slow, Strengthen, Heal.

Baakjira is an excellent tank for this ruleset. With the summoner's +1 speed and Baakjira's Slow ability, my units have a high chance of attacking first.

He also has a healing ability, so he can regenerate health each round despite the poison. The Void ability is useful against magic attacks,

and the Strengthen ability adds health to friendly units, which is advantageous in the Noxious Fumes ruleset.

River Nymph.png

2nd Position: River Nymph
Level 8
Attack: Magic
Abilities: Cleanse, Swiftness, Amplify.

I used River Nymph for her Cleanse ability to cleanse Baakjira so he doesn't get poisoned. The Swiftness ability also adds +1 speed to my units.

Sea Stalker.png

3rd Position: Sea Stalker
Level 8
Attack: Range
Abilities: Snipe, Camouflage, Cleanse, Amplify.

I don't usually place Sea Stalker this early, but I had a specific backline setup in mind. With her Snipe ability, she can target enemy healers and support units,

especially if they are magic or range attackers. Sea Stalker also has Cleanse, providing a backup if River Nymph is eliminated early by a faster enemy unit with the Opportunity ability, like Deep Lurker.

Djinn Oshannus.png

4th Position: Djiin Oshanus
Level 4
Attack: Magic
Abilities: Void, Phase, Forcefield.

I placed Djiin Oshanus in the middle to protect against sneak attacks on my backline. He's fast, increasing the chance

of enemy attacks missing, and his Forcefield reduces high damage attacks to just one point. The Phase ability adds a chance to dodge magic attacks as well.


5th Position: Deep Lurker
Level 10
Attack: Melee
Abilities: Opportunity, Poison, Demoralize.

Deep Lurker is normally favored for its poison ability, but in this battle, its main purpose

was to target small health units like healers and buffers using its Opportunity ability. Its strong melee attack ensures quick elimination of these units.

Captain Fellblade.jpg

6th Position: Captain Fellblade
Level 2
Attack: Magic and Melee
Ability: Sneak.

I used Captain Fellblade in the last position due to his natural speed and dual attack. With over 5

health, he can survive the battle for a while despite the poison.

Battle Rounds Summary

Round 1

At the start of the battle, the rulesets activated, and both teams' buffs took effect. The opponent's WaveBrood, with Taunt ability, drew the focus of my units' attacks. Despite its Void ability reducing the damage from my magic attackers, my units severely damaged WaveBrood, setting it up for defeat.

Round 2

At the start of Round 2, the poison reduced health again, but Baakjira was cleansed and unaffected. WaveBrood was defeated by poison, and the opponent's Supply Runner, which provided speed, was also eliminated, giving my units a speed advantage. Baakjira almost died but healed just in time.

Round 3

At the start of Round 3, the poison continued to reduce health. The opponent's Diemon Shark and Deep Lurker were near defeat, while my units also had low health. However, my units' speed advantage allowed them to attack first, except for the opponent's Djinn Oshanus, which still had 7 health and could potentially attack.

Round 4

At the start of Round 4, my River Nymph was defeated, which was expected due to her low health. The opponent's Djinn Oshanus, with only 2 health left, was quickly defeated by two attacks, ending the battle.

Battle Results

Status: Victory, Team Casualty: 1, Rounds: 4

Battle Analysis

Positioning Baakjira as the tank was very effective. He defended the team well, taking all the attacks each round and almost losing at 3 health, but his healing ability saved him. The cleanse ability played a crucial role in the battle because if Baakjira had not been cleansed, he would have been defeated by the poison's significant damage each round. Speed also played a significant part in my team's victory. If the opponent's units were faster, my team would have been eliminated first.

Thank you for reading my lengthy Battle Mage Secrets post. See you again next week for another Battle Mage Secrets challenge!

If you also want to enjoy playing Splinterlands, you can click my banner with the referral link. You can try the game in free-to-play mode first, but if you want to earn while playing, you need to buy a Spellbook which costs only $10. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this game because I’ve been playing it for over 2 years and I still haven’t gotten tired of it.



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