I will still wait for another 3 to 5 years.


Lately, the price value of crypto assets has been continuously dropping. Before, whenever I predicted this would happen, I couldn't help but worry and would immediately log in to my Binance account to convert my holdings to USDT. I eventually got tired of doing this, so I converted my assets to Hive since my assets there were also earned from Hive.

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Currently, I only value two cryptocurrencies, Hive and LTC. My LTC asset is small, making up only 15% of my portfolio.

The small amount of Hive I have, I accumulated over a long time of blogging and gradually buying Hive from my acquaintances who are also bloggers and Splinterlands players, and some were earned from playing Splinterlands.

As for my LTC, it has a small value, so I don't really think about it. It's like the price of an average dinner for an ordinary person, so it's okay.

But even though my Hive holdings are small, money is still money, and I did spend a lot of time accumulating it; I didn't get it for free.

I'm not good at analyzing the crypto market, all I know is how to save, but lately, the value of my savings is gradually decreasing, especially Hive, which seems to be dropping fast based on what I noticed.

Even HBD is dropping, so its value when exchanged for Hive has also decreased.

If only HBD was stable like USDT, during times when we see Hive's value dropping, we could swap it for HBD.

I don't know if anyone has done this, as I said, I'm not an expert at analyzing crypto. hahaha!!! Please advise those who understand the market better if it's not a loss to do that.

Although I'm still positive that it will rise again, I just don't know when. I also don't know if many people are buying Hive who are not part of the community, I mean those who don't blog or play games on the Hive Blockchain like Splinterlands.

I still don't plan to withdraw my holdings, they'll stay there for maybe 3-5 more years.

The question is, won't my holdings drop further after 3-5 years, and maybe only half or a quarter will be left, and I might completely lose interest in withdrawing them? hahaha!!! I hope not.

Even though I check the crypto price value every day (because Coingecko is auto-open on my laptop), I'm not really bothered. Even if crypto goes to zero tomorrow, I'm still alive and life goes on.

In the past few days, the market has been continuously dropping again. I was tempted to buy and invest a little, but in my mind, ever since crypto fell, it only recovered a bit and then started dropping again. It hasn't even come close to its all-time high, so of course, I'm hesitant.

I've been disappointed many times by the market crash, this isn't new to me especially during the times when I had holdings of other coins like BNB, SLP, Dodge, etc.

Since there's no option to withdraw them because they are on Hive Power and delegated, my only choice is to trust.

Trust that after 3-5 years, my assets will bear fruit and increase in value and we will all be happy because I believe you also have holdings of Hive.

I will continue to save and if I can buy small amounts.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
