RE: Splinterlands Updates - October, 2021

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Thank you for the updates about upcoming changes. These players (or bots?) who undermine the game system are annoying and I fully understand that you have to find appropriate measures. To find these is very difficult, because it changes the balance of the game and like some other posters I am unsure if it is right to penalize all the honest beginners, who might become frustrated before they become hooked by the great qualities of the game.
But now, I want to draw attention to a completely different point, that has nothing to do with the recent changes, but is something, which annoys me quite a bit and I hope this is the right place to post this, because here we are talking about changes...
I am or more was a passionate MTG player (and investor) and have been playing Splinterlands just for a short while now. Since I have already made some investments in splinterlands too, because I am quite convinced that Splinterlands has great potentials, I now even earn a bit with it, still having fun.
But now I, like maybe thousands of other players, have the problem that for the tax return the income must be cleanly proven to the tax authorities. Unfortunately, Splinterlands only offers a barely usable report tool. It would be extremely helpful if the balance history had an export function. It would be even more helpful if a current conversion into USD and Euro was provided for each income. Currently, I have to copy out the many lines from the balance history in Excel every day, find the daily DEC/SPS rate somewhere on the net, and convert the DEC/SPS taken into euros for each day in Excel. This is very tedious and time consuming.

I would be very grateful for a short feedback whether a revision of the report tool is in planning. At least an export function where you can generate detailed reports about daily incomes (also giving the numbers translated into Dollar and Euro) would be great. I don´t want to become a criminal by playing Splinterlands and earning money.

I would also be grateful to hear, what other players are thinking about this issue and how they handle it.

Many greetings
