Risultati del Focus Quotidiano su Splinterlands - Earth Focus - (ITA/ENG) - Results of the Daily Focus on Splinterlands - Earth Focus


Buongiorno a tutti e ben ritrovati.

Approfittando, anche quest'oggi, dell'ormai consueta trasferta tra la mia città e quella attigua, per proseguire con le mie sessioni di fisioterapia, che proseguiranno anche la prossima settimana, eccomi rispuntare con questo mio consueto post dedicato ai risultati delle mie missioni giornaliere su Splinterlands.

Daily Focus.png

Le sedute che mi sono state assegnate dopo la visita fisiatrica, infatti, prevedono una serie di dieci cicli, delle stesse, che, di conseguenza, termineranno alla fine della prossima settimana, e quindi, probabilmente, porterò avanti la mutua fino a tale data, poichè ritengo inutile cercare di tornare a lavorare quando, oltre a non essere ancora del tutto in forma, dovrei, comunque, interrompere la mia giornata lavorativa per recarmi presso questo studio quotidianamente.

Da ieri, tra l'altro, devo dire che, fortunatamente, anche se non vorrei gufarmela, sembra che queste nuove sessioni di fisioterapia, o forse la ionoforesi che sto portando avanti in contemporanea alle stesse, stiano iniziando a fare effetto, visto che mi sembra di iniziare a sentire un po' meno male alla mano.

Mi auguro, quindi, di poter aver intrapreso la strada giusta per tornare, al più presto possibile, in piena forma, ed uscire, finalmente, da una situazione, abbastanza spiacevole, che si sta trascinando avanti, nel tempo, dal 29 di aprile, data nella quale ho subito il mio infortunio sul lavoro.

Mi chiedo soltanto, a questo punto, cosa sarebbe successo se, quella simpaticissima dottoressa dell'INAIL, che ha chiuso la mia pratica in maniera fin troppo veloce, avesse, al contrario, portato ancora avanti, per qualche giorno, la cura che stavo seguendo senza interromperla, facendomi quindi di nuovo regredire.

Molto probabilmente, infatti, in questo caso avrei potuto già stare meglio in precedenza, e forse anche potuto tornare al lavoro, ma visto che l'imperativo non era prendersi cura della mia salute, ma bensì chiudere velocemente la pratica, per risparmiare soldi, eccoci ora a ritrovarci in questa assurda situazione.

Ma queste sono solo mie divagazioni personali, che a volte sfrutto anche come valvola di sfogo, che ben poco hanno a che fare con l'argomento di questo mio post, e, quindi, direi che è arrivata l'ora di iniziare a parlare della reale protagonista dello stesso, ovvero dell'ultima missione da me conclusa su Splinterlands.

focus Earth.png

Il focus di giornata era, in questo caso, di tipo Earth e, quindi, una delle sfide con le quali si era iniziato la nuova modalità di gioco, che prevede, per raccogliere il maggior numero possibile di punti, nella speranza di ottenere un buon quantitativo di scrigni, di utilizzare, durante le 24 ore di tempo a disposizione, Summoners, e carte, principalmente dell’elemento terra, al limite in combinata con le cosiddette carte neutrali, per vincere quanti più scontri possibili contro i propri avversari.

Fino a qualche tempo fa, questo tipo di Quest, anche se so che, ormai, questo termine è desueto per indicarle, non mi piaceva un granché, visto che l'elemento in questione non era certamente uno dei più forti che possedevo all'interno del mio mazzo.

A seguito della mia "riscoperta" di tutto quel mondo che ruota intorno alla possibilità di affittare delle carte del gioco, sia sul market interno di Splinterlands, che su siti quali, ad esempio, PeakMonster, però, le cose sono decisamente cambiate.

Grazie all'affitto di un po' di carte, infatti, e di due in particolare, mi è riuscito di trovare degli schieramenti, da posizionare contro i miei avversari, che, solitamente, mi rendono piuttosto competitivo, consentendomi di portare a casa un buon numero di vittorie.

Se è vero che tutto questo valeva soprattutto con il vecchio stile di gioco, dove non mi risultava per nulla difficile vincere i cinque combattimenti, richiesti per concludere il "compitino quotidiano", e ricevere le ricompense giornaliere, anche con la nuova modalità di gioco, solitamente, mi riesce di ottenere buoni risultati.

Anche in questo caso, infatti, nonostante non avessi molto tempo a disposizione da dedicarvi, mi è riuscito di racimolare punti a sufficienza per ricevere dieci scrigni, che, comunque, almeno per quanto mi riguarda, visti i miei precedenti risultati, non sono affatto da buttare.


Anche quest'oggi, poi, nonostante tra le ricompense ricevute non ci fossero più delle carta epice, né tantomeno ci sia stata alcuna carta leggendaria, devo dire che, comunque, il bilancio è stato abbastanza positivo per il terzo giorno consecutivo.

All'interno degli scrigni, infatti, ho trovato cinquantasei Alchemy Potion, trentadue Merits, dei quali, purtroppo, avrei fatto volentieri a meno, visto che non sto attualmente sfruttando, probabilmente erronemente, le Brawls, una Pelacor Conjurer dell'elemento vita, una Pelacor Mercenary dell'elemento terra, una Venari Bonesmith, carta rara dell'elemento morte, e, per concludere in bellezza, ben 2400 DEC, che si rivelano piuttosto interessanti in ottica di possibili affitti di carte, e, comunque, hanno un buon valore.

Non so che cosa pensare a questo punto, ma sembra quasi che, realmente, i miei lamenti degli ultimi giorni, attraverso il buon, caro, vecchio, "Mugugno alla genovese", stiano dando i loro frutti, visto che, per il terzo giorno consecutivo, ho ottenuto risultati superiori alla media delle giornate precedenti, che si erano rivelate, giorno dopo giorno, sempre più deludenti.

Ovviamente è inutile dire che, dentro di me, si sta facendo strada la speranza che, realmente, qualcosa sia cambiato a livello della regolamentazione della distribuzione delle rewards, facendo sì che le cose stiano lentamente tornando a un, più che auspicato, riequilibrio delle stesse.

Allo stesso tempo, però, non voglio farmi prendere da troppi facili entusiasmi, che possano essere fin troppo presto smorzati, da un ritorno a quella "normalità", alla quale oramai mi stavo purtroppo abituando, che mi vedeva ricevere, continuamente, delle ricompense che spesso si rivelavano essere della vera spazzatura.

L'unica cosa da fare, quindi, per il momento, almeno per quanto mi riguarda, è di continuare a giocare con la stessa serenità di sempre, dedicando a questo gioco solo gli eventuale ritagli di tempo che mi dovessero rimanere una volta finito di preoccuparmi di tutte quelle altre cose alle quali ho deciso di dare precedenza, e vedere come evolveranno le cose.

Per il momento, quindi, non intendo annoiarvi ulteriormente con queste mie divagazioni personali, e, di conseguenza, non mi resta altro da fare se non, augurarvi una buona giornata, ed invitarvi, sempre che ne abbiate ancora voglia, a continuare a leggere i miei post ed a seguirmi.

P.S. Se non siete ancora iscritti a Splinterlands e volete iniziare anche voi a giocare a questo splendido gioco potete iscrivervi da quì : Splinterlands

Hello everyone and welcome back.

Taking advantage, even today, of the now usual transfer between my city and the neighboring one, to continue with my physiotherapy sessions, which will continue next week, here I am again with this my usual post dedicated to the results of my daily missions on Splinterlands.

Daily Focus.png

The sessions that have been assigned to me after the physiatric examination, in fact, foresee a series of ten cycles, of the same, which, consequently, will end at the end of next week, and therefore, probably, I will carry on the mutual insurance until that date. as I think it is useless to try to go back to work when, in addition to not being completely fit yet, I should, however, interrupt my working day to go to this studio every day.

Since yesterday, among other things, I have to say that, fortunately, even if I don't want to miss it, it seems that these new physiotherapy sessions, or perhaps the iontophoresis that I am carrying out simultaneously with them, are starting to take effect, since I it seems to start to feel a little less pain in the hand.

I therefore hope to have taken the right path to return, as soon as possible, in full shape, and finally get out of a situation, quite unpleasant, which has been dragging on, over time, since April 29th, date on which I suffered my accident at work.

I just wonder, at this point, what would have happened if, that very nice doctor from INAIL, who closed my practice too quickly, had, on the contrary, continued, for a few days, the treatment I was following without interrupting it, thus making me regress again.

Most likely, in fact, in this case I could have already been better previously, and maybe even could have gone back to work, but since the imperative was not to take care of my health, but to close the file quickly, to save money, here we are. now to find ourselves in this absurd situation.

But these are just my personal digressions, which at times I also use as a relief valve, which have very little to do with the topic of my post, and, therefore, I would say that it is time to start talking about real protagonist of the same, or the last mission I completed on Splinterlands.

focus Earth.png

The focus of the day was, in this case, of the Earth type and, therefore, one of the challenges with which the new game mode was started, which provides, to collect as many points as possible, in the hope of getting a good quantity of chests, to use, during the 24 hours of available time, Summoners, and cards, mainly of the earth element, at the limit combined with the so-called neutral cards, to win as many clashes as possible against your opponents.

Until recently, this type of Quest, although I know that, by now, this term is obsolete to indicate them, I did not like much, since the element in question was certainly not one of the strongest I had inside of my deck.

Following my "rediscovery" of the whole world that revolves around the possibility of renting game cards, both on the internal market of Splinterlands, and on sites such as, for example, PeakMonster, however, things have definitely changed.

Thanks to the rent of a few cards, in fact, and two in particular, I was able to find some sides, to place against my opponents, which usually make me quite competitive, allowing me to bring home a good number of wins.

If it is true that all this was true above all with the old style of play, where it was not at all difficult for me to win the five fights required to complete the "daily homework", and receive the daily rewards, even with the new game mode, usually, I can get good results.

Even in this case, in fact, despite not having much time available to devote to it, I was able to collect enough points to receive ten chests, which, however, at least as far as I'm concerned, given my previous results, are not at all worthwhile. throw away.


Even today, despite the fact that among the rewards received there were no longer any epic cards, nor even any legendary cards, I must say that, in any case, the balance was quite positive for the third consecutive day.

Inside the chests, in fact, I found fifty-six Alchemy Potion, thirty-two Merits, of which, unfortunately, I would have gladly done without, since I am not currently exploiting, probably erroneously, the Brawls, a Pelacor Conjurer of the life element, a Pelacor Mercenary of the earth element, a Venari Bonesmith, rare card of the death element, and, to conclude with a flourish, 2400 DEC, which are quite interesting in terms of possible card rentals, and, in any case, have a good value .

I don't know what to think at this point, but it almost seems that, really, my complaints of the last days, through the good, dear, old "Mugugno alla Genovese", are bearing fruit, since, for the third day consecutive, I obtained results above the average of the previous days, which had proved, day after day, more and more disappointing.

Obviously it goes without saying that, within me, the hope is gaining ground that, really, something has changed at the level of the regulation of the distribution of rewards, causing things to slowly return to a more than hoped-for rebalancing of the rewards. .

At the same time, however, I do not want to get caught up in too many easy enthusiasms, which can be dampened too soon, by a return to that "normality", to which I was unfortunately getting used to, which saw me continually receive rewards that they often turned out to be real rubbish.

The only thing to do, therefore, for the moment, at least as far as I'm concerned, is to continue playing with the same serenity as always, dedicating to this game only any leftover time that I might have left once I have finished worrying. of all those other things that I have decided to give priority to, and see how things will evolve.

For the moment, therefore, I do not intend to bore you further with these personal digressions, and, consequently, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good day, and invite you, if you still feel like it, to continue reading the my posts and to follow me.

P.S. If you are not yet registered with Splinterlands and you want to start playing this wonderful game too, you can register from here: Splinterlands



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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @luizeba

remaining commands 10


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Hi bro, it is good to see you having the treatment started again, which somehow gives you relief from the pain and even reducing it to speedy recovery. So happy to see this progress.

Insurance companies are real culprits, when they sell us it feels very juicy, but when it comes to claims, they open the book of rules and regulation this and that.

So, your employer enjoys the hereditary business. Some people take their silver spoon for granted and behave irrationally in the business and personal matters, I think he is one of them. lol

I guess your boss is of the thought that whatever he shoots is law or order, he should learn from his predecessors who set him up a running business and he is just enjoying the benefits.

The Work require physical and mental peace in place, otherwise if someone loses on one, it is hard to focus and in return disturbs the health. So, better be fully fit and then go to office.

Now, I encounter a new situation in the game, I receive less focus/reward points at bronze level after new battle update and reduction in Rshares. At Bronze-I I had received 800 points after winning a battle, now I have to win 4-6 battles to receive that much points. This has severely increased time spent on the game. More time less rewards and more futile efforts.

I might go for renting out my cards if things does not improve. It is hard to keep the pace and bots are ruining everything in place for me.

I am more focused on SPS stuff, I'll try to invest in SPS governance and then sit back and relax while earning some rewards, which is better than spending money on packs and other stuff since there is no SPS airdrop.

Someone asked why a 2 day rental is necessary, just to tax players for not renting for more than 2 days. This is quite illogical and does not even feel legitimate.

I see your reward in DEC have grown a little bit, which is good thing, but I know it takes more time and effort than it was before.

Oh yes, I have posted my new blog, and it has my game progress and season rewards update as well. Hope, you'll enjoy reading it.

Wish you a nice Friday and Quick wellness



Fortunately, I must admit that the treatment that I have started to carry out, fortunately, seems to be starting to bear some fruit, and the hand begins to bother me a little less and to hurt me less

Unfortunately, I agree with you that insurance companies behave in this way, that is, they wave before your eyes all the advantages that, theoretically, they should give you if you choose their insurance, but then, when you really need it and go to ask them for the benefits they promised you, in reality they often make a fuss and try to give you as little as possible

Indeed, as far as work is concerned, this is the case, since my current employer actually found everything ready and ready and he didn't have to work even for a second.

The problem is that he is now trying to do something without having the skills, since he has never done it before, and he is just making trouble, and making the work environment very hard to bear.

As you said, in fact, he believes he can do good and bad times, within the company, and that whatever he says is law, and you shouldn't argue, even when he shoots huge bullshit as he usually does.

This way of doing, of course, makes the working environment really heavy to bear, to the point that there are already many who have left, and I could be one of the next, because I agree with you that, if you can't work quietly, eventually losing your health

The new game changes, if on the one hand they allow you to score points even by winning fights without necessarily using the cards indicated by the Daily Focus, on the other hand they seem to have slightly modified the points you receive, even if, personally, they are three days that, incredibly, I managed to receive decent rewards as had not happened for days now

Surely renting cards, especially if you have interesting ones, can be a good way to monetize, if you feel that continuing to play does not allow you to have a satisfactory return, and surely the bots do not help in this.

As for the SPS, it is still a bit to understand what the best strategy to use them can be, especially given the new card packs that can be bought only with this type of token.

Things have been evolving pretty fast lately, and if I still don't like some things, I must say that I have also seen some new things that open interesting glimpses, which could make me appreciate this game again.

Let's just hope that the developers have taken the right path to rebalance this game a bit, allowing everyone, and not just bots, or whales, who have unbeatable decks, to have their say, managing to get results at least satisfactory

Glad to know you've posted something, and I'll try, as soon as I can, to go read

Have a nice weekend



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 12


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
