RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 25th, 2022 - 4PM Eastern!
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I wouldn't go so far as to call it fraudulent. I think it was mismanagement and overcompensating for the projected growth. I think their calculations on who was new players and who was bots was wrong. But before, they Aggro was saying that newer players would be going for individual cards and building decks that way. So why mint so many packs? Even though some new news can turn the game around, they need to get some of the packs burned or take them out of circulation for a while and get some new content released like game modes and the land and everything else.
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The level of mismanagement would border on complete incompetence. They know exactly how many cards are out there and where they are. They know they have players running bot farms with over 10k bots each. They know the players. They hang out in the mavericks room and discuss it daily. Last week Ybapmatt said it was a good thing to have them if they rent cards. They didn't misinterpret of overcompensate for anything. They knew their stats and you could see it from a mile away. I spent 15 minutes looking through whale accounts one day and quickly understood that if they came out with some crazy number of packs for CL,
and the whales got at all active in the rental market they would way over supply the game as even in the price hike last year it was already way over supplied. Whales were just holding all the cards.
Now after seeing this play out they are going to come out here and lie to our faces that the best way to onboard new players is new packs? What are they miscalculating in that statement? Did they not look at their new player numbers even once in the last 5 months?
This devs treat new players like trash all the way around but every time they do something unpopular they pull the new player experience card.
As as for my borderline fraudulent comment, they sell what could be (and probably one day will be) considered securities and they are not being honest in how they do it. That is actually fraud. Like under US law, selling securities while lying to your investors is actually fraud.