My splinterlands weekly challenge using the Crystal Jaguar


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Crystal Jaguar




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Hola amigos, este es el desafio semanal de splinterlands usando el Crystal Jaguar, que resulto ser un dolor de cabeza para mi, pero aqui se los traigo.

Me tocaron reglas de batalla standard, y con la posibilidad de usar cualquier splinter, pero como debiamos usar el Crystal Jaguar no pude favorecerme de esto. Realmente hubiese preferido usar el splinter de agua en esta ocasion, y estoy seguro de que hubiera sido mas sencillo.

En primera posicion como tanque use el Crystal Jaguar, pues tiene escudo y 5 puntos de vida, ademas 2 de velocidad lo que lo hace aceptable, pero sin embargo, no lo suficientemente resistente en batallas de poco mana bajo estas condiciones.

En 2da posicion utilize al feral spirit, ya que me parecio mejor idea por el bajo costo de mana, fue la mejor eleccion dentro de las cartas que tenia.

En tercer lugar use a la enchanted pixie para de esta manera tener algo de daño magico. Luego coloque a los Silverchield Archers para complementar el ataque, previniendo que el rival tuviese algun healer, pues tiene snipe. Y de ultimo al furious chicken que se encargo de proteger a los arqueros.

Me parecio que esta combinacion podria funcionar con el Crystal Jaguar pero no fue asi, para una proxima ocasion trataria de usar muchos mas montruos de magia y seguramente me podria haber ido mejor.

Realmente no me gusta el Crystal Jaguar, pues encuentro que tiene un costo muy elevado de mana, seria mucho mas util si costara 2, y de seguro seria usado por mayor cantidad de gente. El resto de sus caracteristicas me parecen que estan bien, ojala le bajaran el costo del mana, para darle mayor utilidad en las peleas.

Mi oponente uso el Cereberus, y con su capacidad de curarse fue lo que decidio la batalla, ya que su Kobold miner acabo en seguida con mi pixie, dejando sin ataque, al igual que paso con mi feral spirit.

Una batalla muy dificil, ya llevaba 6 peleas perdidas tratando de ganar usando el Crystal Jaguar, asi que decidi grabar el video asi, y mostrarselos.

Y eso fue mi reto semanal para splinterlands amigos, espero lo hayan disfrutado.

Hi folks, this is the weekly splinterlands challenge using the Crystal Jaguar, which turned out to be a headache for me, but here I bring it to you.

I had standard battle rules, and with the possibility of using any splinter, but since we had to use the Crystal Jaguar, I couldn't take advantage of this. I really would have preferred to use the water splinter this time, and I'm sure it would have been easier.

In the first position as a tank, use the Crystal Jaguar, as it has a shield and 5 life points, plus 2 speed which makes it acceptable, but nevertheless, not strong enough in low-mana battles under these conditions.

In 2nd position I used the feral spirit, since it seemed like a better idea for the low mana cost, it was the best choice within the cards I had.

Third, use the enchanted pixie to get some magic damage. Then place the Silverchield Archers to complement the attack, preventing the opponent from having any healers, as they have snipe. And finally to the furious chicken who was in charge of protecting the archers.

It seemed to me that this combination could work with the Crystal Jaguar but it did not, for the next time I would try to use many more magic monsters and surely I could have done better.

I really don't like the Crystal Jaguar, as I find that it has a very high mana cost, it would be much more useful if it cost 2, and it would surely be used by more people. The rest of its characteristics seem to me that they are good, hopefully they will lower the cost of mana, to give it greater utility in fights.

My opponent used the Cereberus, and with his ability to heal was what decided the battle, since his Kobold miner immediately killed my pixie, leaving without attack, just like my feral spirit.

A very difficult battle, I had already lost 6 fights trying to win using the Crystal Jaguar, so I decided to record the video like that, and show them to you.

And that was my weekly challenge for splinterlands friends, I hope you enjoyed it.

This is my battle using crystal jaguar


Toda la grabación, edición, maquetado, retoque de fotos, elaboración del post y retoques son realizados en una laptop con 2 GB RAM marca Canaima letras rojas. Es una computadora de muy bajos recursos, bajo el sistema operativo Lubuntu 16.04 LTS usando OBS software para hacer las grabaciones y Openshot Video Editor para editar los videos.

Espero apoyes mi esfuerzo y te guste mi trabajo, lo iré mejorando todo lo que pueda, usando los recursos que tengo.

Eso es todo y espero lo disfruten amigos.

All the recording, editing, layout, photo retouching, post elaboration and retouching are done on a laptop with 2 GB RAM, Canaima brand red letters. It is a very low-resource computer, running the Lubuntu 16.04 LTS operating system using OBS software to make the recordings and Openshot Video Editor to edit the videos.

I hope you support my effort and you like my work, I will improve it as much as I can, using the resources I have.

That's it and I hope you enjoy it friends, and wish you have a very good time watching to video,so please share it with your friends.


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60.707 SPT


That a nice battle.

0.000 SPT

Well a though one if you ask me, i lose 6 on a row using Jaguar, was almost impossible, but mmmm, i complete the challenge.

0.000 SPT

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

thank you for posting in both the languages. Keep playing splinterlands and post awesome contents!

0.000 SPT