Splinterlands | SEA WRECK is a Beast card for defense

What’s up my fellow splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are enjoying an amazing day with your family and friends and also playing this game in the meantime and earning crypto rewards. For daily players, I hope you are aware that we have already spent some time in this ongoing season and only around 10 days remain for this season to end, so I hope you all are focusing on your goals right now, be it to reach a certain league or fighting for the champion leaderboard. For me, I am playing again actively with Vishkaal account and though I have started my journey from the Gold league, I have played a lot in these last 2 days and reached Diamond II Tier already, now aiming to touch the Champ League before time runs out. I hope just like me, you guys have set your goals as well and now let's start working on it and make it possible. As I will be actively playing again, I also took care of the SPS delegation and already have 160k SPS delegated to my account, which of course Has increased the SPS and Glint token earnings per hour. Now, let’s see how I can perform in these last 10 days and if I can actually manage a long trophy road before the timer ends.

Now moving on, let me come towards the main topic of this post as today, I will be talking about a monster that you see rarely on the battlefield, but it is both useful and costly in the market and I also use it often and win more matches easily. As you have seen in the thumbnail above, today I will be discussing Sea Wreck, so without any further ado, let's jump right in.

Sea Wreck

Sea Wreck

SEA WRECK is a monster card that belongs to the Riftwatchers mini card-set edition and it comes under Chaos set. This card falls under the Water element and it is a legendary card, which means you need a total of 11 BCX of cards to upgrade this card to max level. Its attack style is melee and it costs a whopping 11 mana to be used in battles, so you can fit this card in your lineup when playing medium to large mana limit matches. Apart from strong stats, it also carries a handful of useful abilities as well, which I will be talking about below.



At Level 1, this card gets 3 melee attack at 1 speed with 4 armour and 12 health and it also gets the Bloodlust and Return Fire ability, since its initial level. With the Return Fire ability it will damage enemy archer cards whenever they attack this card and on the other hand, whenever this card kills Down an enemy card, all of its stats will get increased by 1. So you can clearly see how useful this card is even at level 1.


When this card gets upgraded to level 2, it receives 3 melee attack at 1 speed with 4 armour and an increased 13 health and it also gets a new ability called Magic Reflect at this level. With this new ability, whenever this monster gets attacked by my enemy magic minster, it will damage them in reverse.


When you upgrade this card to level 3, it possesses an increased 4 melee attack at 1 speed with 4 armour and 13 health and here at level 3 also, it gets another ability called Heal. With this ability, now this monster can revive a portion of its health back every round if injured.


Finally when this monster reaches its max level 4, it gets 4 melee attack at 1 speed with 4 armour and 13 health and even at his max level, it does get another new ability called Amplify. With this new ability, now it can increase the damage from Return Fire, Magic Reflect, and Thorns by 1 to all enemy cards.


Battle Link


This time I got a large 46 mana limit match, where only 3 elements were allowed - Water, Earth and Death and there were 3 rulesets applied in this match - No Range, No Neutral and Amplify ability. After thinking for a little, I chose to build my lineup using the Legendary Water Summoner Possibilus the Wise and at my front, I chose the main hero Sea Wreck followed by Coastal Sentry, Deeplurker, Riverboat Captain, River Nymph and Merdaali Guardian at the end position. When both the lineups hot revealed, I found out that my opponent had used the Lux Vega summoner with water cards and at his front, he chose the Diemonshark followed by Djinn Oshannus, Deeplurker, Merdaali Guardian, Runemancer Kye and Noa the Just.


Match Performance

Now, as the match began, my Sea Wreck started damaging back the 2 enemy monsters Oshunnus and Kye because they were throwing magic and Wreck was using his Magic reflect ability to send back damage every time he got hit. On top of that, the Amplify ability was helping it even more to increase the damage by another 1, each time He reflects these enemy magic attacks. Not to mention my other monsters also fought back great, especially Deeplurker and Sentry, as without them 2, I would not have won this match.

I hope you loved watching the battle and also liked reading my post about Sea Wreck. Let me know your thoughts and experiences about this monster in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Sea Wreck is definitely a beast in battles. Its Magic Reflect ability is perfect against magic-heavy opponents. Congrats on your match win brother


Yes it is a serious best with both anti ranged and magic benefits. Thanks for visiting ❤️ !pimp !lolz


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

