Splinterlands | TENYII STRIKER is my favourite sneak monster right now


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What’s up my fellow Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are enjoying an amazing day with your family and friends and also playing this game in your daily free time. The last ranked season in splinterlands just ended less than 2 days ago and I guess all of you have claimed your Glint points by now and already jumped into the fresh new ranked season and started playing. I have also done the same but today when I started playing I lost a handful of matches back to back and sadly, I have slipped down from Diamond III to Gold I with a current trophy rating of 2,780. I am lacking some cards which I have to rent now or my performance won't get better, so after renting them, I will again go into battle mode. On the other hand, a brand new set of reward cards was released on 15th August and I guess all of you are now focusing on your Glint earnings because Glint is the only currency that we can use to buy these new reward cards. If you are an old SL player, then you already know that we can not buy these Glint points with money and can only earn them by playing ranked matches. So let us all start building our new reward deck by earning glints.

Now, let us move forward as today, I will be talking about another awesome attacker card in splinterlands and as you have already seen him in the thumbnail above, today we will be talking about Tenyii Striker. So without causing any more delay, let us jump right in.

Tenyii Striker

TENYII STRIKER is a monster card that falls under the core Chaos Legion edition card set and this card belongs to the Fire element. This card costs only 5 mana to be used in battles, so you can use this card easily while playing medium to large mana limit matches. It is a rare type of card so it needs a total of 115 BCX of cards to be upgraded to max level. The attack type of this card is melee and apart from its high speed and good attack power, the main feature of this monster is its sneak attack. Let us now take a deeper look into its league wise stats and abilities to find out more below.



At level 2, this monster possesses 2 melee attack at 3 speed with 6 health along with the Sneak ability that it gets from its initial level. Even at the bronze league, he has a good attack and speed which will give you an upper hand in matches.


When upgraded to level 4, this monster gets an increased 3 melee attack with 3 speed at 6 health and it also gets a new ability called Evade at this level. With the help of this new ability, this monster has more chance now to dodge Melee and Ranged attacks.


Upon reaching level 6, this monster receives a further increased 4 melee attack at 3 speed with 7 health along with those 2 abilities that I mentioned above. With more attack power and speed, this monster can now single-handedly take down weak monsters with just 1 blow.


Finally, when this monster gets upgraded to its max level 8, it gets an even further increased 5 melee attack at 4 speed with 7 health and not only that, it also gets a new ability from level 7 called backfire. With this new ability, this monster can now do 2 reverse damage to enemy attackers if they miss their target on it.


Battle Link


Today I found an interesting match while playing in the morning, it was a medium 28 mana limit match where 3 elements were allowed - Fire, Death and Dragon. There were 3 rulesets applied in this match - Broken Armours, Melee only and Enrage and as it was a melee monster only match, I started thinking accordingly to build a good lineup for this match. As for my strategy, I wanted to use a Taunt monster to attract all attacks in it while I will use multiple sneak or opportunity monsters to kill down the opponent’s backline monsters.

As for my lineup, I chose the Fire summoner Tarsa and at my front position of the lineup, I chose the Coeurl Lurker followed by Venator Kinjo, Scorch Fiend, Uraeus, Tenyii Striker and Gobalano Soldier at the end position. When both the lineups got revealed, I found that my opponent had used the Legendary Dragon summoner Lilly Shieldpaw and at his front position, he chose the Cursed Windeku followed by Twilight Basilisk, Dhampir Infiltrator, Uraeus, Silent Sha-vi and Corpse Fiend at the end position.



As the match started, all the enemy monsters started attacking my Coeurl and as I also chose Vantor, the Coeurl also started doing 3 reverse damage to its attackers. In the first round, I killed down the enemy Windeku and then Twilight and after that, my hero Tenyii Striker attacked and killed down the Dhampir with one blow. Next in round 2, my Coeurl killed the enemy Uraeus and after killing down the Next 2 monsters, the last monster that was left on the enemy side was the Corpse Fiend and my Tenyii Striker attacked and killed down the last monster and thus, I won the math and got some SPS and Glint as rewards.


I hope all of you lived watching my battle and liked reading my post. Do you also love to use Tenyii Striker or love other monsters over it? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post players, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi, i like "Tenyii Striker" with "dodge" and "backfire", nice game my friend.👍👍👍


I really like this letter. It's perhaps my favorite and also a staple in all battles using the fire element. It contains a good attack, speed that only improves after evolving to level 4 where it obtains its second ability.
