Splinterlands | UJURAK ELDER is a great defense card


What’s up my fellow Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are doing well in your life and also playing and enjoying this amazing game in your daily busy routine while progressing in the game. It feels like the ranked season has only started some days ago but in reality, we have come past the middle already and only around 6 days remain for this ranked season to meet its end. For me, as I said in my last post, I have successfully reached the next tier Diamond II and currently playing with a current trophy count of exactly 3,100. Now, with another 6 days in hand, I will try my best to reach the next league Champion but it will be very hard to compete against the OG players at Diamond I as I have faced before. Let’s see how it goes and I have also started gathering the new reward cards and in fact, I am also using them even if they are still at a low level. These new cards are already creating a change in gameplay styles. Any players so it’s better to learn about them early and stay prepared.

Now, moving forward allow me to talk about the main topic as today, I will be talking about one of the best reward cards with you all and as you have already seen it in the thumbnail above, today. I will be talking about UJURAK ELDER, so without any further ado, let us jump right in.

Ujurak Elder

UJURAK ELDER is a monster type card that was launched just recently with the latest Rebellion edition reward card-set. This card belongs to the Neutral element and it costs only 3 mana to be used in battles, so you can easily use this card when playing small to medium mana limit matches. Its attack type is magic and it is a common type card, which means a total of 400 BCX of cards will be needed to upgrade this card to max level. Let us now take a deeper look into this card’s league wise stats and abilities below.



At level 3, this card receives 1 magic attack at 1 speed with 2 health and it also gets 2 abilities - the Camouflage ability since its initial level and the Divine shield ability at this level onwards. Due to the Camouflage ability, no monster can directly attack this card until it is in the first position and on the other hand, The divine shield will disable the first attack on him and keep him unharmed.


When this monster gets upgraded to level 5, it possesses the same stats as of mentioned earlier, I mean the same stats as 1 magic attack at 1 speed with 2 health. However, it does get another ability called Strengthen, with which it can now increase every friendly monster’s health by 1 including itself.


As this monster gets upgraded to level 8, it gets the same 1 magic attack but with an increased 3 speed at 3 health along with those 3 abilities that I mentioned above.


Finally, when this card gets upgraded to its max level 10, it possesses 1 magic attack at 3 speed with 3 health and also gets a new ability at its max level - Swift. With this new ability now it can increase the speed of all of its friendly monsters by 1. I am missing one more attack stat here definitely like many of you, but I think the multi ability combo makes it up quite well.


Battle Link


As I was playing ranked matches today, I found one particular match where I saw I can use a low level monster without weakening my lineup much. It was a medium 24 mana limit match with 2 active element - Fire and Dragon. There were 3 rulesets applied in this match - Equaliser, No Legendary and Only Magic. As in this match we would only have a handful of cards to choose from, I decided to choose Quix the Devious as my summoner with Fire element and at my front position, I chose the new Reward card Ujurak Elder at my front position followed by Scavo Technomancer, Djinn Apprentice and the Djinn Inferni at the end position.

When both the lineups got revealed, I found out that my opponent has used the Fire summoner Nomos and at his first defence position, he chose the Continuum Seer followed by Venari Spellsmith, Scavo Technomaster and the Djinn Apprentice at the last position.



As the battle starts, my Apprentice and Inferni attacked first and killed down the Continuum together. My Ujurak also played well as he first neutralise the attack from enemy Apprentice and after defending both the attacks from enemy Venari and Scavo, it still remain alive with 1 health. In the next round, my Inferni killed the Venari, but then its Redemption ability did 1 damage to all my monsters and sadly, the Ujuruk die due to this. Afterwards, the enemy Apprentice attacked and killed down my Technomaster while my Apprentice also damaged the enemy Scavo.

At the next round, my Inferni again killed down a card and this time the Scavo and then, both the Apprentice attacked each other and while mine got dead, the enemy was left with only 1 health, which then got taken away by my Inferni in the next round and thus, I won another match.

I hope you loved watching the match which I shared above and also loved reading my battle post. Are you also using these new reward cards already? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

Thanks for visiting my post players, Please come again!
Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha
