My Newest Soul Bound Cards are Epic!


With the new season start comes new soul bound reward cards. I had collected a little over 100k Glint for end of season. It was not close to my ambitious 150k but I can not expect to succeed if I did not put in the effort. There where a few days in the past season where I simply did not play any matches so did not take full advantage of my max battle energy bar.

In any case with the new found glint I went and immediately purchased some new soul bound reward cards. I decided to go with epic rarity since they are high in cost but not as high as legendary to get a decent amount. Sure enough I got at minimum every splinter epic. Here are snapshots of the cards since a lot of apps have yet to link pictures of the cards. The pictures are from in game so for those a playing and buying the cards they are the first to see the official stats and better being able to utilize.

This new fire card is insane for it only requires 2 mana to get already a base attack of 4 range. In rule sets where only range attacks are allowed and little league this card definitely can make an impact.

Up next is life splinter epic that includes dual attack in both magic and melee. Mix it with opportunity ability this monster automatically attacks twice per round. The attack stats are low but with boosts and unique combos with other life monsters I can imagine this can become a good card. The high 6 mana leaves a bit to desire for the overall stats but I haven’t played the card much to see if my opinion is valid.

Earth splinter epic with the opportunity ability makes this a great combo when mixing in with the other great earth opportunity cards. It’s nice to see higher mana earth card with higher stats.

Water splinter epic is no surprise to see a magic attack card. What is surprising is that the card base attack is already at 4. This is insane considering a lot of the legacy cards only have magic attack at 4 when at higher levels. I can already see this card being very disruptive when mixed into with other water cards.

Death splinter with a new ability and magic attack is making it unique. It remains to be seen how good it will be in battle as I have found past reward cards with higher magic attack and lower mana works well.

It’s interesting to see a epic at 11 mana but here we are. The dragon epic looks good on the surface. It goes back to its roots where the first dragon cards ever had the flying ability at base level. The magic attack makes this a good combo with either water or earth.

Last but not least is the neutral epic. A staggering 1 mana but 2 attack makes it very interesting. Again like many low mana monsters it’s good in little league rule set. In addition it’s neutral which makes it a versatile card.

Overall I like what I see just in the epic cards. I am going to rush into further battles to collect more glint and hopefully start adding more rares and commons. I hope to review those cards as well very soon.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



The epic cards look quite nice but I can't see myself liking the negative effects. I know they have higher stats to make up for it though.


Definitely will be interesting to see how these new cards play in battle. I can not wait to try them.


as long as the battle doesn't last long enough and they have good protection (add ARMOR or more health), kha'zi and shock trooper can be the best choice
