Dhampir Stalker Weekly Battle Challenge | Splinterlands #221


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This week’s battle challenge focuses on the Dhampir Stalker.

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Card Details

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A Chaos Legion edition rare level monster from the Death unit at level 3:

  • Estimated cost: $1.253
  • Range attack: 3
  • Speed: 3
  • Health: 6
  • True Strike ability - This Monster's attacks cannot miss.

Today I learned that in some cultures, Dhampir is a combination of vampires and humans. Sometimes they are referred to as Day walkers. Dhampirs don’t have the usual weaknesses of vampires and can detect and hunt down vampires. They are sort of like the anti-hero type of character. The Dhampir Stalker, a great name, epitomizes all the traits you would expect of a day walker in a tactical card game; without looking like a typical Day walker popularized by movies and comics, it seems more like a ranged RPG character with a darker undertone to it. Even though it comes at a high mana cost (same as legendary monster Lira the Dark), it has good stats, True Strike ability, and enough health to help its survivability.

Battle - Full Battle Replay

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Battle Details

  • Mana cap: 22
  • Rulesets(s): Melee Mayhem, Lost Magic

Lineup Details

  • Thaddius Brood (Summoner): -1 health and -1 magic damage to all opposition monsters.
  • Corpse Fiend + Venator Kinjo: low mana cost meat shields.
  • Uraeus + Cursed Windeku: primary melee DPS tanks.
  • Dhampir Stalker: primary range damage.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

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It took a few battles before I managed to clinch a win with Dhampir Stalker in the lineup. It was not a card I used often, so I struggled to get the most out of it. Regardless, the battle strategy was simple - provide lots of protection for Dhampir Stalker and hope it can survive. The ruleset didn't work in my favor as, well, the opponent not making the mistake of playing magic monsters which would've tilted the battle more in my favor. I had enough juice in the Cursed Windeku tank to clinch the victory. Dhampir Stalker did okay, I guess - it landed a few hits, but coming up against monsters with armor, it was always going to struggle.

Do you like the Dhampir Stalker? Why or why not?

As I have discussed before, doing these weekly challenges allows me to hone in on a card and spend the time to get to know it better. The Dhampir Stalker is curious; on paper, it has decent stats and a unique ability that should, in theory, make it unstoppable. However, the high mana cost limits it, and the market seems to think the same. It's the cheapest ranged monster in the Death unit across all editions. Yes, it's still in print, but the Soul Stranger is almost 25% more expensive. So undecided on the card and whether I will be going out to ensure that my main and alt account has at the max playable level.


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Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a good rest of the day!

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