Radiated Brute Weekly Battle Challenge | Splinterlands #161


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This week’s battle challenge focuses on the Radiated Brute.

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Card Details

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A Chaos Legion common level monster from the Fire Splinter at level 1:

  • Estimated cost: $0.055
  • Melee attack: 2
  • Speed: 1
  • Health: 5
  • Reach ability: Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.

The weekly battles continue to focus on the new Chaos Legion cards, and this week it focuses on the Radiated Brute. The Radiated Brute has one of my favorite abilities in splinterlands -> the Reach ability. This ability allows the monster to attack from position two and hit the enemy monster in position one, and therefore, it does provide some helpful utility at level 1. However, due to its okish stats, you should taper your expectations only to expect the Radiated Brute to operate as a support melee monster. As I don't have the Radiated Brute at a high enough level to feature it, I looked for a monster with similar abilities and stats and landed upon the Fineas Rage.

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Battle - Full Battle Replay

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Battle Details

  • Mana cap: 50
  • Rulesets(s): Healed Out, Noxious Fumes

Lineup Details

  • Alric Inferno (Summoner): +1 melee damage to all friendly monsters.
  • Chain Golem: primary melee tank + buff abilities to offset damage from opposition monsters.
  • Fineas Rage: support melee tank + Reach ability to attack Nectar Queen from position 2.
  • Sand Worm: DPS glass cannon to hit hard from the backline due to Sneak ability
  • Prismatic Energy + Pyromancer + Ettin Spearman: support magic and range damage from backline.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

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My opponent blitzed me in this battle by going all-in on range damage and high-speed monsters. The only monster I had with armor was Chain Golem, who didn't last very long after his armor was whittled down. Fineas Rage + Alric Inferno is an awesome combo, as that melee damage buff allows Fineas Rage to hit hard from position 2. Fineas Rage managed to land a couple of blows on Nectar Queen but couldn't withstand the barrage of range damage from the opposition backline. Lots of lessons were learned from this battle.

Do you like the Radiated Brute? Why or why not?

It is unequivocal that any monster with Reach ability will most times have some form of usefulness in a battle as long as you taper your expectations that the majority of the time, these monsters will serve in a supporting role in battle. Over time I will look to upgrade Radiated Brute to level 6, so it may feature more in my battles, but in the meantime, I will look to use its more expensive compatriots like Fineas Rage, Grumpy Dwarf, etc.


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