My Splinterlands adventure 2024 - week 35, as I went on a shopping spree!

Splinterlands latest news are:

  • This season is the one where we need millions of DEC to unbound our Chaos Legion cards, if we hope to sell for some profit and recover some of our investments (hint: we may not get any profit at all). The Rebellion reward cards are here too, but the Glint cost for them went up by 50%. Talking about inflation.
  • Staked SPS will be counted, along with staked GLX, for the Colony Airdrop, which it seems to go for 5 years, or at least that's what they said. There is a minimum requirement though - 10K GLX, 100 GLUSD and/or 5K SPS. Enjoy!
  • Next round of Conflicts started now with another Legendary summoner, today, and the best way to gain them is staking wagons (and the cheapest) by using 50 Vouchers for now, which strangelly enough did not get too expensive. As you may know, each wagon can be used to stake 5 cards and up to 100 packs. You get contribution points for everything you stake, and 100K contribution points will get you one airdrop chance. 400 chances for a guaranteed summoner - we have Elias Max Pruitt, boosting Melee attack and Armor by +1, and then a choice of Repair and Cleanse (ideal for Poison/Earthquake ruleset) or Armored Strike and Piercing (dreaming about +2 Armor boosted Sneak/Opportunity team).

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  • We got additional information for the lands, check this out on The Secret of Praetoria - Phase 2 Whitepaper Reveal, as we got Part 3 here and Part 4 here. Basically we got three types of buildings available for players to construct - Resource Production, Resource Refinement, and Resource Storage buildings, and we may need DEC, Vouchers and Production Points to build them. It is getting complicated then, with a lot of resources, which can be refined, and even the storage would be tricky to cover completely. Then, we need to pay maintenance costs for the building, and you can even repurpose buildings, for a cost. Castles and Keeps will produce special resources/ingredients. Then, the Part 4 explains the desalinization process, where you can remove the Salt from the soil and water, reducing the buildings maintenance costs and the fees/taxes level. Storage is the word of the day, as you may need it badly when you have multiple lands to maintain.
  • On the second phase of the Land expansion, you will be able to provide liquidity for a resource, paired with DEC. When you provide liquidity, you are rewarded Elixir, essential resource meant to be combined with Magical Resources in the Laboratory.


Lands completely ready - 62/76 - 81% (2 Tax, 37 Grain, 15 Research, 8 SPS) sadly 19 Grain lands only have 1 card staked.

Lands with at least 1 card staked - 75/75

Natural staked - 42/42 (All ready)

Magic staked - 28/28 (All ready)

Occupied staked- 3/3 (All ready)

Mythic ready - 2/2 (All ready)

Grain productivity: 2419/hour -2068/hour required = +351/hour

Research: 14.36/hour

SPS: 1.41/hour

Dark energy 1.878.747/1.878.747


My Splinterlands battle plans are going well, as I am fighting in the Champion III in the current season. The Riftwatchers cards upgrade is on the schedule, 20 cards left to max up, 3 Common, 8 Rare and 9 Legendary, with few more cards upgraded, but I do not think that I will upgrade all the legendary cards, as they are too expensive. All Riftwatchers Common upgraded to level 8, 2 more to get all to 9, next I try to get all RW Rare to level 5 next. On Rebellion, all common cards upgraded to level 5, try all rare to level 5 next, 19 left. I need something crazy like 1.2M DEC to fully stake all my lands. I estimate that this will take me 3 months at least. I am trying to sell grain every week when I gather the resources to speed up the proces.

Riftwatchers goals:

All common level 8 - Done. All level 9 - Next

All rare level 5 - Done. All level 6 - Next

Rebellion goals:

All common level 5 - Done. All level 6 - Next

All rare level 4 - Done. All level 5 - Next

All epic level 2 - Done. All level 3 - Next

All legendary level 1- Done. All level 2 - Next

**Rental stats: **

I put some cards to try it again, with more to come after the cooldown.

Today: 0.000/27.290 DEC

Cards upgraded:

Needed some stuff so I went on a shopping spree getting the CL rewards cards upgraded, and some Riftwatchers too. First on the list, the Epic reward cards, got the following to the max level:

Thane Newsong - getting a -1 Ranged attack reduction.

Will-o-Wisp - getting Blind skill.

Kra'ar Xoc - Redemption skil, for that bit of extra damage.

Noa the Just - got Martyr skill, to boost the neighbour cards, ideal for Snipe rulesets.

Iidri Fyre - got Phase, to better defence against Magic damage.

I upgraded few other cards to max level, such as Uloth Dhampir, expensive, but quite powerful with 5 Ranged damage, Triage and Stun:

Technowizologist at max level, with Fury against Taunt, Stun and even stealth.

Runeslinger at max level, decent Ranged damage, another Stun user, Affliction against healing and Cripple to reduce health.

Scavo Technomancer at max level, with Blast for extra damage, reducing Armor and increasing chance of miss for Melee and Ranged.

I got some Untamed cards, as they were quite cheap, selling my almost max level cards for a profit even, and getting the max level ones instead. I will try to do this at least twice per week.

Undead Rexx max level, with 6 Melee attack, Trample and Stun. I like my Stun cards lately, what can I say!

Barking Spider to max level, I wanted this card for a long time, as it has 7 HP and Blind, for 4 Mana, which means that I can used in low mana rulesets.

Dark Ferryman at max level, with Cripple and Dispel for only 3 Mana cost. Once again, low mana rulesets.

***@Mightyrocklee **

Cards 2,281/2,326

** Cards97,080/98,340BCX**

CP: 2,158,378 (5,775) (3,015)

Account Worth: 6,346.688 $

Rental Income: 0.000/27.290 DEC

** 0.0% yROA**

Rental Expenses: 0.000 DEC

For Sale: 12.898 $

This is all for today!

All the best,


Why not...

...have fun and win rewards on my favourite blockchain games (Splinterlands- Hearthstone-like card game) (Mobox - GamiFI NFT platform) (Upland - real-life virtual land) (Holozing - Pokemon-like game)and (Rising Star - Music creators game).

...get crypto while writing on Publish0x blog, using Presearch search engine to maximize your income with PRE tokens. Use Torum instead of Twitter . I am also writing for crypto on Grill and Hive.

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