[Eng/Esp] Impenetrable Defense: Social Media Challenge


Hello everyone in the Splinterlands community! / Hola a todos en la comunidad de Splinterlands!


English Version:

This week I want to share with you a strategy using my light-type deck, and although I'm not a big fan of these creatures, I have to say that lately I've been using it a lot, since it has a great performance when it comes to battling, although like everything , also has a great weakness. To develop the strategy well, we will need rounds with a minimum of 18 mana, using Shieldbearer as a tank, Scavo Hireling to recover his shield and Venari Crystalsmith to heal his health points.

Against enemies that use cards with varied damage, this strategy is very good, but it can be easily countered by cards with magic damage and Obsidian as a summoner, not giving enough time to heal the damage they do to our tank.

If you want to see the complete battle, here is the link: see battle.

Without much else to add, this was the formation I used in battle:

Versión en Español:

Esta semana quiero compartir con ustedes una estrategia utilizando mi mazo de tipo luz, y aunque no soy muy fanático de estás criaturas, tengo que decir que últimamente la he utilizado bastante, ya que tiene un gran rendimiento a la hora de batallar, aunque como todo, también tiene una gran debilidad. Para desarrollar bien la estrategia, necesitaremos rondas con un mínimo de 18 de maná, utilizando a Shieldbearer como tanque, Scavo Hireling para recuperar su escudo y Venari Crystalsmith para sanar sus puntos de salud.

Contra enemigos que utilicen cartas con daño variado es muy buena esta estrategia, pero puede ser fácilmente contrarrestada por cartas con daño mágico y Obsidian como invocadora, no dando suficiente tiempo para sanar el daño que le hagan a nuestro tanque.

Si quieren ver la batalla completa, aquí les dejo el link: ver batalla.

Sin mucho más que agregar, está fue la formación que utilice en la batalla:


As I mentioned before, the strategy will focus on Shieldbearer as a tank, Scavo Hireling and Venari Crystalsmith, being able to play a little with the position of the seconds according to the other cards we use, Stitch Leech being one of my favorite cards to complement these cards, since thanks to his ability, he will be able to attack my rival's monsters in last position, gradually eliminating his cards.

Como ya lo mencioné anteriormente, la estrategia se centrará en Shieldbearer como tanque, Scavo Hireling y Venari Crystalsmith, pudiendo jugar un poco con la posición de los segundos de acuerdo a las otras cartas que utilicemos, siendo Stitch Leech una de mis cartas preferidas para complementar estás cartas, ya que gracias a su habilidad, podrá atacar a los mounstros en última posición de mi rival, eliminando poco a poco sus cartas.


Imagen de Fondo

For this particular game we had 29 mana points to summon our creatures, so I put together a more complete strategy, using Time Mage to slow down my opponent's cards, and Sukai Harvester in second position, since in addition to having the Reach ability, being able to attack from second position, in case my tank fell, it can withstand several hits, and can also recover some points in its health.

Para esta partida en particular tuvimos 29 puntos de maná para invocar nuestras criaturas, por lo que arme una estrategia más completa, utilizando a Time Mage para disminuir la velocidad de las cartas de mi rival, y a Sukai Harvester en segunda posición, ya que además de tener la habilidad Alcanzar, pudiendo atacar desde segunda posición, en caso de que caía mi tanque, puede resistir varias golpes, pudiendo igualmente recuperar algunos puntos en su salud.


It's time for battle! / ¡Es hora de la batalla!

This duel was against death-type cards, being one of the main counters that players use with rounds with mana points like this, since many tend to use ground-type decks.

Este duelo fue contra cartas de tipo muerte, siendo de los principales counter que los jugadores utilizan con rondas con puntos de maná así, ya que muchos tienden a utilizar mazos de tipo tierra.



At the end of the effects of the summoners and other monsters, my rival lost speed, which was very good for me, since he would always attack first, in the same way, the effect of my Mother Khala was countered by his summoner. I didn't use General Sloan since I went with physical damage cards, but if you want to use cards with ranged damage, this would be the best option.

Al final de los efectos de los invocadores y otros mounstros, mi rival perdí velocidad, lo que me venía muy bien, ya que siempre atacaría primero, de igual forma, el efecto de mi Mother Khala se vió contrarrestado por su invocador. No utilice a General Sloan ya que me fui con cartas de daño físico, pero si quieres utilizar cartas con daño lejano, está sería la mejor opción.


With the passing of the attacks, my Shieldbearer was recovering life, making it a daunting task to eliminate it, since it recovered 3 health points and 2 shield per turn.

Con el pasar de los ataques, mi Shieldbearer iba recuperando vida, haciendo que eliminarlo fuera una tarea titánica, ya que recuperaba 3 puntos de salud y 2 de escudo por turno.



By the start of the second round, I had already removed one of his cards and my tank was pretty hurt, but since I attack first thanks to my Time Mage, he'll get a lot of his stamina back.

Al comenzar la segunda ronda, ya había eliminado una de sus cartas y mi tanque estaba muy lastimado, pero como ataco primero gracias a mi Time Mage, este recuperará gran parte de su resistencia.


In a more than incredible way I was left alone with Elven Mistic, and after beating his Time Mage, he recovered his speed and won in an inexplicable way, jajaja.

En este momento estuvo a punto de caer mi Shieldbearer, pero mis cartas le ayudaron a recuperar su salud, con lo que ya sería imposible que mi rival pudiera vencerlo.

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To end this game, his last card fell and all of my cards ended up mostly intact.

Para finalizar con esta partida, cayó su última carta y todas mis cartas terminaron casi intactas.




I also want to share with you this battle against a ground-type deck, where they destroyed me like I did with my rival in the previous game, hahaha, so it is essential that you look at your opponent's previous games to see if this strategy can be effective.

También quiero compartirles esta batalla contra un mazo de tipo tierra, donde me destrozaron como yo hice con mi rival en la partida anterior, jajaja, por lo que se hace indispensable que observes las partidas anteriores de tu oponente para ver si está estrategia puede ser efectiva.

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If you want to see this complete battle, here is the link: ver batalla.

I will be aware of the challenge next week, greetings and thanks for this idea! @splinterlands

Si quieren ver esta batalla completa, aquí les dejo el link: ver batalla.

Estaré pendiente del reto de la próxima semana, saludos y gracias por esta idea! @splinterlands


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem
