Perfection & Exploration ~~ Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Hello there, how are you all?
New week with new gossips. This week I got some insightful battles that taught me a few new things that i havent discovered before also got some enjoyable battles that gives immense satisfactions and shows the joy when our plans works like a charm. So lets dive into the battle showcase of mine to share my thoughts, plans, and strategies that worked for me. Also, waiting for the other's Social Media Challenge contents to see what they got for me to experience.


Let's go ahead with the battles one by one...

Battle - 1: Perfection at It’s Peak

Battle Link

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Ruleset: Standard

  • No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.

Damn! This was so amazing.
My opponent came with some ranged monsters and guess what my tank Sea Wreck comes with Return Fire ability that returns back half of the damages done by the ranged monsters. My tank is here with bloodlust ability that is a well-known one and becomes deadly with everytime it kills and due to return fire ability my opponents strategy backfired massively, this was so amazing. And the second monster with double strike attack and the trample ability to all the monsters has just make the attacks going over and over again.

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Just imagine the damage it would have done if it survived. My monsters took it down on the first round even before it could make any attack, hehehe. One of my monsters have swiftness ability that increased all my monster's speed and another monster of mine has slow ability that reduced the speed of my enemy units by one, lol. Isnt it so mesmerizing?

I won this battle without losing any of my monsters. Each and every strategy I thought of worked like a charm.

Battle - 2: Low-Mana Charms

Battle Link

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Ruleset: Unprotected

  • All armor is removed from units and one cannot gain armor.
  • Shield and Divine Shield are unaffected.

For these kinda low-mana battles i usually pick summoners that can increase my monster's stats like TARSA and OBSIDIAN as my go to go summoners. As the ruleset is stating that there will be nor armor so no harm with going melee monsters otherwise I would have gone with magic as they hits directly on the health instead of the armors. Tarsa gave +1 melee attack stat to all the monsters and here I go, won the battle easily.

Battle - 3: No Magic? Got Fire!!

Battle Link

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Ruleset: Lost Magic

  • Magic units may not be used in battle.
  • Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
  • Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
  • Units with 2 types of attack (which include magic) cannot be used.

Once again, TARSA to help with +1 stats and here comes my one fav monster, Grum Flameblade with its bloodlust ability. Well, my opponent did played a fair strike as well with -1 ranged and -1 speed, though I didnt used any ranged monsters but my speed for the monsters got decreased where possible, slow monsters is a pain in the ass. You saw in the first battle how more speed stat saved my ass one the first round and took down the giant of my enemy. So yeah, it was a good plan though worked half.

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I am astonished with Enfeeble ability where every successful attack reduces the defender's melee attack by 1. My bloodlust monster died a pity death while attacking Commander Slade due to it's Dodge and Enfeeble ability. This is the first time i have faced this ability and got to learn how to defend against bloodlust or specially melee giants.

Well, I won at the end, thanks to my other monsters.

Read this week's announcement post for Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Also, if you want to join Splinterlands then visit My Referral Link. Don't hesitate to knock me in case of any need.
