My Balanced Approach to Fat Loss and Muscle Maintenance


Well in order to lose body fat without also losing muscle mass all I did was no big surprise really. Walk. Walk some more. Ring rows and push-ups (now pull-ups and push-ups). Keep increasing reps per set until you reach 12-15 reps per set, then add another set after resting. Then walk some more and then walk some more.
I started off with walking 3 blocks, which is one block farther than my daily walk with Bayou. Then the next day I did 4 blocks. Then the next day 5 blocks, and so on until I was doing it a mile and then I think I started adding Sunday (because I was only doing weekdays) for a bit. Then I started walking a little farther until I got to 2 miles in the morning, then split the distance between morning and afternoon, doing 1 mile each. Then added on an evening walk after dinner, only about a half mile. Now I'm doing about 1.7 miles in the morning, 1.7 miles in the afternoon, and 1 mile after dinner.
... and resistance stuff Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I still technically have the ability to take it kind of easy on Saturday, but honestly, at this point I still want to go out on Saturday.
Anyway, the schedule is more built around my life. I think it's important to build something that works, just keep adding more time/distance/reps/sets as necessary when it gets easy. It's not complicated, but apparently not easy.
