New Strategies For Engaging Brawls


I had a home run during my last brawl session, I had 5 wins and 4Ls despite my shitty cards, truth is that most of the wins came from opponents who didn’t turn up for the brawls and it has come to my notice that this occurrence has become more common than usual, many people are missing their brawling sessions than usual and is making me wonder.

Could it be the change in the reward system? I mentioned in one of my previous posts that there was a change in the brawling reward system where burning cards no longer give DEC which had economic value but instead gives merits and merits can only be used to buy more gladius packs that can only inturn give merits when/if burnt.

Hmnnn, I wonder if this shift has demotivated players. The old system allowed for a direct economic benefit, making every brawl feel like it had tangible stakes. Now, with merits being the primary reward, the immediate incentive seems less compelling. Players might feel like they’re stuck in a loop, earning merits just to spend them on packs that only give more merits.


Some argue that it keeps the focus on the game and the enjoyment of playing, rather than just the financial aspect. They believe it adds depth to the strategy, as players now need to think more about their collections and the long-term benefits of their cards. On the other hand, many miss the straightforward value they used to get, feeling like their efforts are no longer being fairly rewarded.

It makes me think about the balance between gameplay and rewards. How do you keep a game engaging and rewarding without making it feel like a grind? The developers probably had good intentions, aiming to create a more sustainable and balanced economy within the game. But as with any change, it takes time for the community to adjust.

I'm curious to see how this will evolve. Will players adapt and find new strategies to make the most of the new reward system? Or will the developers need to tweak things further to keep the player base happy and engaged? Only time will tell. I’m aware that the major reason for this change was to reduce DEC inflation and hence reduce its price fall.


But somehow what I’ve seen so far is that the reduction hasn’t helped so far, it seems the health of DEC has even gotten worse, many players have raged quit, others are still trying to adapt, but the sentiment isn't as optimistic as the developers had hoped.

One notable consequence is the shift in the market dynamics for Gladius packs. With merits being the only way to purchase these packs, their perceived value has diminished. The excitement of acquiring new cards is still there, but the long-term value proposition feels less substantial. Some players are hoarding merits, waiting for a potential future update that might restore some of their economic value.

For now, I'll keep brawling, strategizing, and staying engaged with the community. Who knows? Maybe the next big update will bring a fresh perspective and renewed excitement to our brawling sessions. Until then, it's all about adapting, staying curious, and making the most of the current landscape.

What do you guys think. Do you brawl?

Thanks for reading…

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