
Hello Splinterland Warriors!

How are you all? I hope you will be blessed and fine every day. In today's post, i will share the Gladius pack opening result and a common Gold foil Gladius card of Earth Splinter.



KATRELBA GOBSON is one of my favorite cards after Quora if that one is not available for playing i am going to use this card with its double strike attack depending on the Ruleset if the negative ruleset then try not to use this like in Thorn or where the sneak ability monsters does not work otherwise trying to use this card but unfortunately the enemy team is always using the thorn ability monster in the last position against the sneaky monsters so it will not work as our expectations but if there is no thorn ability card in the last position then no one can stopping this card to rule the battle. However, i got it today from the packs opening which makes me able to join the gold frays in the brawl tournaments.



Well, one more brawl result was announced and we got some nice rewards this time that you can see based on the participation and performance the main thing in the brawl is that you need to fully participate in the brawl which is not mean that you just join the fray you need to submit your battles on time to be eligible for the rewards otherwise you will not be able to get the rewards like this that you can see on the top right corner i got 5190 merits and 82 awesome SPS and i won 6 battles currently we are playing in tire 4 and got the 6th place because of some friends did not submit their battles so overall we got good rewards from this brawl.



Here you can see the packs result the rewards i got from the brawl 5k merits while some i got from the Glints rewards so total 7k merits was available in my account i bought 3 Gladius packs and opened it the result you can see above where i got only rare and common cards and one common gold foil card which i shared above and the rest of the cards are here you can see with one rare card in each pack all of these cards are available in my collection at level 5 and soon the next level upgradation is near if i am getting the merits rewards like this from the brawls.


The third pack result is here with the same rare card from the Life Splinter not bad at all hoping for the epics and legendary cards from the upcoming packs as i have 40 Gladius packs in my alt account that i will open at once in a separate post hope to get some good cards there.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali
