
It's another day in the real world of splinterlands. The more we play, the more we get to learn a lot about the game. Check out my splinterlands battle for this week.
The rules of the game are odd ones, which means only monsters with odd mana costs may be used. A 46-mana cap was given to me. And all six elements were available. I chose Avina the Wolf as the summoner, and meanwhile, I picked the healing ability to give my first card.


I choose Grimbradun Fighter with the ability to shield; this reduces damage from melee cards and range attacks by 50 percent. Heal ability: this restores a third max of health to itself every round.

I move ahead to choose Thanalorian Archer. This card has two abilities: snipe ability. This unit always targets the first unit with magic, range, or no attack that is not in first position. Lookout ability attacks with sneak, snipe, and opportunity will have less damage. And all units take half the damage from the ambush.


Meriput magician: this is a magic card with the ability to tank heal. Restores a third of max health to the unit in the first round of every round.

Djinn Renova is also a magic card, and it's got a stronger ability. All friendly units have had their health increased by 1.

Nimbledook Ranger, this is a level one card. With the ability to snipe. It targets the opponents with either range, magic, or no attack that is not in first position. Double strike, and this card gets to attack twice in every round.



And the last card I chose was the Ulundin regulator. This is a melee card, and this card has two abilities: opportunity ability. This unit gets to attack from any position and will target the enemy units with the lowest health. True strike ability. Whenever this unit gets to attack, the attack always hits.

My opponent selected good cards; in fact, when I saw the cards, I realized that I might lose the fights, but then some things saved me from losing the fights. He used grum, which is flammable. And this card is so dangerous in front. But I was lucky; I used healing abilities. The second healing ability was the one that saved me from losing the battle. If I do not use it, I will not win.
Well, the battle only lasted for five rounds, and I won the battle.


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