introduction / fight preview


hello everyone , this is my first time doing anything like this but hey!

----> introduction
i started with NFT games 3 months ago i diped and daped until i was introduced to splinterlands a month ago it was presented to me by some friends and i really enjoy playing the game its kinda my cup of tea , we are beginners here but hey! will learn :)

like i said before i'am a beginner so i was trying different things and i stumbled uppon this and i thought it was cool .

----> fight preview

So i had 12 mana to work with and i noticed that my opponent plays alot of fire so i was like what could possibly beat fire "outside of the box" so i tried this.

-----> pre-fight

i choose daria one of the dragon summoners and i choose nightmare from death class .


As you can see most likely fire puts 2 monsters (minor, spy ) at the backline that got 1 or 2 hp so this is what i expeceted .

---> first round !


during the first skirmish my monster" nightmare" damaged his monster"cerberus " for 3 and killed his monster "minor " because i got the blast ability therefore giving me what i kinda expected to happen .

----> second round


second round i hit his cerberus again now he's down to 1 hp and his spy is killed same way his minor died previous round therefore leaving him with 1 hp cerberus and a chicken .
there it is hope it gave you some ideas , keep in mind i'am a beginner so ..:)

this is the link to the fight if anyone want to see it ( )

hope i could be of some help , have a nice day everyone :)


Hello, @mortress! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

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