A Closer Look Into Splintertalk.io (SPT)


Some of the Tribe Tokens on the Hive Blockchain are getting more interesting as of late. Today, I am taking a closer look at Splintertalk.io and it's native SPT Token...
*** This Post is mostly Written to promote Splinterlands and Splintertalk on other Crypto Blogging Platforms...
Last week, I wrote about Leofinance.io and the LEO Miners (See Post). I started to buy some on a daily basis from that point on. I didn't get very far and only managed to accumulating 170 of them (around ~55$) as the entire supply that was left got bought up at some point. At least I managed to pick some up and I will be monitoring the passive returns they bring about in my monthly Passive Crypto Earnings Report posts.


More of the projects that run on Hive-Engine which is the 2nd layer of the Hive Blockchain are starting to show some fundamental value instead of the usual "buy tokens to get more tokens" Ponzi Scheme. They remain high-risk and won't make anyone rich but they are a nice opportunity to earn a little bit extra and a fun way to invest/speculate. SPT is one of them...

What is Splintertalk.io
This splintertalk.io website displays all Splinterlands related posts from hive.blog that uses one or more of these tags ( splinterlands | spt | steemmonsters ). So everyone that is interested in just Splinterlands content and wants an easy way to interact with the community can use this site to read, make posts, or make comments. It also bundles all your own Splinterlands posts on one central page.
