A Weakness I Love To Live With || Hive Learner's #127e1 Prompt


Hi Friends.

It's a new week with great expectations for me. Just last week, I was completely consumed by a series of activities. First was the burial of my late father in law and then the church convention which occupied me for about nine days. In all, we are grateful that we were part takers on the heavenly programme that transformed my reasoning and thoughts.

Talking about the topic for this week. It is very important and everyone must know that they have weakness(s). In a nutshell, I have a weakness that currently has made me feel bad. Frankly, there are weaknesses. Some of these weaknesses are avoidable but they have become part and parcel of me. I will speak on just one however.

Recently, I discovered that I don't keep friends. You know, I was amazed that I had become friendless without knowing it.

Before I got married, I had a lot of friends and they lured me into many vices like drinking alcohol and even smoking. Gracefully, I managed to leave that company immediately after my wedding with my wife. Before then, I boozed everyday.

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The worst part of it all was that as soon as it was closing time from work, my friends would have parked outside my office waiting for me so that we could begin the evening fun of watching football and sipping our glasses of star lager or Gulder Ultimate lager.
This was my daily routine. From Sunday to Sunday, we grace every bar in town and we were known for boozing. My friends were good at attending social functions. As such, I started attending too. Every Saturday, we would attend one Owambe or the other.

One year, a guy who loved our company joined us on the move but suddenly realised that nothing good can come out of the group that he left. I felt guilty but remained with the guys. One thing they would always say was that the money we use in drinking can never be used for building a house and I believed.
For four years, we kept spending money on alcohol and having fun from one end of the city to another. At other times, we would travel to other states to for party or clubbing or to look for babes. It was that bad.

Luckily for me, I came across my wife in the Church. She never knew I had such habits. How I managed to keep it from her is entirely a different stroke.

A year after I met her, we got married. All my friends attended the wedding and they were angry that no alcohol.was served at the wedding reception. This was the beginning of the collapse of our drinking empire.
During our honeymoon, I cut contact with all my friends because I got to know through my wife that some friends are killers of destiny and one must cut them off if one wants to go far in life. At first, I felt it was just a woman's talk but with time, I realised how much that statement holds.


Few months into our marriage,I realised that I could do more reasonable things with my money than drinking beer. This was how I started to withdraw from those guys I called friends.

It has been eleven whole years without any friends. My best friend is my wife and now that's have children, they have become my friends too. This has helped in controlling the number of troubles that I have to deal with.

So, during the burial of my father-in-law,I was the only son-in-law that did not attend the funeral with a friend. Somehow, my friends learned about the passing of my father-in-law. Since they were all on ground during the period when I sorted the marital rites of my wife and they got to know my father-in-law, they felt that I should have informed them of his passing.

My weakness is now my inability to make new friends. I would rather be myself and hang on to my family life than seek friendship. Though, there may be some disadvantages of not having someone whom I may refer to as a friend but the truth is that life has been a lot easier since I kept to my family and self. I feel that there are more benefits in not keeping friends than in having some. This is my weakness for now. It could have been as a result of some of the funny experiences I have had when I kept a number of friends.
