All Men and Women Aren't The Same || Thinker's Corner July Promotion


No two persons in the whole world has the same fingerprints, not even identical twins. Hence, it is right to say that no gender or individuals have the same behaviour. There must be a striking difference which can come from their chromosomes or genes or traits. Here are some claims to buttress my point.

A productive relationship is possible when you have two people who are intentional about what they want out of it. You know, most times, our life story or relationship is a reflection of who we are and how we have been modeled. For instance, an individual who hails from a broken home is most likely not going to believe in marriage or also experience a broken home. It takes a lot of care, endurance, and grace not to have such repetition in a person's life.

Magda Elhers

All Men and Women Aren't Like That

This assertion is sacrosanct as it depicts the state of thought and mind of the person who expressed it. We must take cognizance of the fact that the need to call out the gender for their "unpleasant behaviour" in a relationship is proportional to the issues surrounding a particular event. I may suggest that while we strongly uphold this societal claim that a particular gender is untoward or has a definite trait, we must also come to the realization that "Individual Differences" also hold sway.

Every relationship needs sacrifice to survive. The sacrifice may be in different aspects of life in the marriage. It could be in the area of finance, career, provision, project, children, romance, style and so on. However, it is understandable that every person who comes into a relationship becomes imperfect. We only get schooled as time passes on while in the relationship.

Some Women Could Have The Same Traits As Men

Through life's experience, some women come out tougher in a relationship than the men. This may be as a result of what they have passed through. A case where a lady lost her parent early in life and had to struggle to keep his siblings by providing every necessary social needs like accommodation, feeding, clothing, bills and education by working hard, when such a lady enters into a relationship, she may not rely 100% on the man to provide for her needs because she is already responsible to a group of people before she entered the relationship. And in most cases, such ladies come out not romantic enough. This is because they must have been eaten up by the task they have engulfed themselves in. The same goes for the man.

•••• Come To Think Of It

I love to cook. Most times, I try to create my recipe out of the recipe that is already known. I believe that I can make a difference with culinary skills. My father was a chef. I basically learned from him. And now, my 8 years old son has started taking after me. He follows me to the kitchen whenever he finds me there.

Most weekends too, I help my wife in taking care of the laundry. My daughter has started putting up a likeness for writing. At age eleven, she has an eighteen-chaptered novel, though unpublished.
One typical thing about me is that I love to work indoors, that is why I have taken over the kitchen. And mind you, I believe there is no law that states that a man who works in the kitchen has made himself a woman or a woman who does a tasking job, a man. There are no such laws.

My wife loves farming as a side hustle. She has a successful career in finance but because she comes from a home where farming is a pride, you cannot basically not ask a tiger to change its spots.

Anna Shvets

Stereotype Is A Generational Tradition

The world still thinks the same way but in a different form. Until we realize the need to clearly understand that humans are ideas by their background, genes, society and culture, we may still continue to believe that particular people or gender are structured to behave in a particular way.
Hence, from time to time, people have always spoken about how one gender behaves and how the other does not. What we should rather focus on is the individual and not the gender.

Just Be Who You Are…….Only Be Wise

My children already know my take on this. I hold strongly to the fact that you can be whatever you want to be. Gone are the days when we would say A woman's career ends in the kitchen. I wonder what women like Okonjo-Iweala would be doing in the kitchen.
I expect my children to be reasonable because that's what they have been taught, to look before they leap.
They have been taught that though the world looks like a competition ground, their competitor is their very self and not other people. Hence, every right step taken must be appreciated when they must have appraised it.

Here is my entry to The Thinkers' Corner July Prompt initiated by @kenechukwu97.


I was so happy reading this post because it proves that the myopic mindset is gradually waning.

Hearing that a man can handle house hold chores without fear or shame on his ego makes me so happy. Plus the fact that you are secure enough to allow your wife be who she wants to be unlike some men who subjugate their wives.

I'm sure your kids are watching and learning these God traits that you are expressing.

Well done


Family ties are built through this model no doubt. The truth however is that culture has made many stereotypical and biased about this whole issue.


This is a very insightful take and it holds a message that will benefit a lot of people. I particularly like how you are also giving your kids an environment that enables them to be who they want to be. It's testament to the sort of role you and your wife have been displaying in their presence.

I like how you also made a point about applying wisdom while being who you are. That's important because a man still has his role to play and he has to make sure that he's still playing those. A woman also has hers to play. That helps the structure of the family to be progressive.

Thanks for joining this edition of the challenge.


Until we begin to see life from this perspective, it may become difficult to reach self actualization.


It is nice knowing your kids learn from you. Growing up in such a home will make them respect their partners and won't feel like this, and that job is meant for a woman or man.

The truth is that things we've gone through in life change us but being in a relationship, there are things we need to learn or let go.


You hit the nail on the head.
Life goes on no matter what people do. Whether a man does what a woman was stereotype to do or otherwise, life continues. So, the best is to make your immediate environment understand that nothing will change when a man for certain things, De for a woman too


Yes, it does. You have said well. Well done
