Insights on Card Meta and New Player Experience

Realizing Strength.png

Participating in the Splinterlands 6-year anniversary tournament was a thrilling experience. The tournament not only commemorated the game's impressive journey but also provided an opportunity to evaluate the current meta and the effectiveness of various cards. My participation led to some interesting conclusions, especially regarding the potential of modern cards and the experience of new players in the game.

Throughout the tournament, I found myself gravitating towards the current metas, which consistently yielded good results. The performance of these cards reaffirmed their strength and viability in competitive play. While the top players on the leaderboards displayed a wider range of card usage, my reliance on modern cards was not a disadvantage. This was particularly enlightening, as it highlighted that newer cards can hold their own against a diverse set of strategies and decks.

One of the most encouraging takeaways from the tournament was the realization that new players are not necessarily at a disadvantage when starting later in the card cycle with modern cards rather than the older Wild cards. Despite the wealth of experience and depth of collections that veteran players might have, modern cards proved to be competitive and effective. This balance is crucial for ensuring that the game remains accessible and appealing to new players, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic community.

My tournament experience underscored the importance of improving the new player experience in Splinterlands. By ensuring that modern cards are competitive and that new players can quickly get up to speed, the development team can attract and retain a fresh wave of players. This is vital for maintaining a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem within the blockchain game. Given the price of modern card sets, it is a rather low barrier to entry which is good for growth.

A key factor in the long-term success of Splinterlands is the ability to attract and retain players, both new and old. By focusing on the balance and competitiveness of modern cards, the game can continue to evolve and thrive. This approach not only enhances the gameplay experience but also supports the broader blockchain economy that underpins Splinterlands. A healthy influx of new players brings fresh perspectives, increases market activity, and contributes to the overall growth and stability of the game.

As we celebrate six years of Splinterlands, it is clear that the game has a strong foundation and a dedicated community. The insights gained from the anniversary tournament highlight the importance of continually evolving the game to support new players and maintain a balanced meta. By doing so, Splinterlands can continue to grow and remain a leader in the blockchain gaming space.

In conclusion, the 6-year anniversary tournament was not just a celebration of the past but a glimpse into the future potential of Splinterlands. The performance of modern cards and the positive implications for new player experience are promising signs for the continued success and expansion of the game. Here's to many more years of strategic battles, community engagement, and blockchain innovation.

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I would LOVE to see on-demand 8-player single elim queues in a best-of-five h2h battle in whatever specified format and league. This would be huge for providing more value to the card assets and provide people alternatives to the scheduled events and the energy-limited ranked play. I was hoping that maybe we could eve run these events using the promotional packs held by the SPSDAO while collecting equal value back for the packs in DEC as the combined entry fee for the even (break even or a small % tax to go to company for hosting/supporting game).

This is my biggest dream and I've shared this with many of the big stakeholders in my guild. I think we could get people to agree to some portion of the SPSDAO packs to be used for promotional tournaments that collect DEC back to the SPSDAO treasury and take it out of circulation. The communal good of getting the DEC back to the SPSDAO would be countered by some card holders worrying about the extra cards in the market devaluing their card asset prices. Small price to pay I say as a card owner for the ability to play in anytime, on-demand, 8-player, single elimination queues of Splinterlands. This is would be tremendous value to the ecosystem!


It would be awesome but wonder how much development it currently would be but it will shake things up.


I've spoken to Clay about it. The only new development would be programming t to fire when there are 8 people and starting a new queue. We already have solid tournament infrastructure. The real question mark is the actual demand from the SPL community.
