My First Time Burning Splinterlands Soulbound Cards

Soulbound Burning.png

Recently, I took the plunge and decided to burn some of my extra Splinterlands Soulbound cards. Having already achieved a complete maxed set of the current cards available, I thought it was a good time to convert some of my excess into Glint. Initially, I had planned to use the Glint to acquire some titles, but the lack of advancement in land development made me reconsider the need for titles at the moment.

The Decision to Burn

Burning cards for Glint was a strategic decision influenced by several factors:

  1. Completion of Maxed Set: Since I already have a complete maxed set of the current Soulbound cards, any extra cards were just sitting idle.
  2. Anticipation of Rebellion Soulbound Rewards: With the new Rebellion Soulbound rewards cards closer to release, I wanted to be prepared to acquire them as soon as they are available. Burning extra cards now seemed like a good way to gather resources for future expansions.

The Burning Process and Results

The process of burning cards was straightforward, but the results were somewhat underwhelming. Despite having what I thought was a significant excess, the amount of Glint I received was less impressive than expected. Here are some observations from my experience:

  • Amount of Glint Received: The Glint obtained from burning my cards was not as substantial as I had hoped. This might be due to the fact that I held onto some Gold Foils and specific splinters, considering their potential future value once they become unlockable for land.
  • Holding Strategy: By keeping some valuable cards, I aimed to prepare for the eventual unlocking of land, which could offer better returns. This strategy, while prudent, likely reduced the immediate Glint I could generate.

Market Dynamics and Botting

One of the more concerning aspects revealed through this process was the apparent power of botting accounts and farms. These automated systems have been burning cards at a much higher rate and purchasing titles, with some titles now nearing sold-out status. This dynamic raises several points of consideration:

  • Market Influence: Botting accounts can significantly influence the market, creating disparities in how resources like Glint are accumulated and spent. This can be frustrating for regular players who are trying to compete fairly.
  • Future of Titles and Rewards: With some titles nearly sold out due to bot activity, it underscores the importance of securing desired titles and rewards early. However, it also highlights the need for the game developers to address and mitigate the impact of bots on the game’s economy.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

While my first experience burning Soulbound cards for Glint was not as lucrative as I had hoped, it provided valuable insights into the current dynamics of the Splinterlands economy. The preparation for Rebellion Soulbound rewards and the consideration of future land unlocks remain top priorities.

The ability to burn cards for Glint adds another layer of strategy to the game, allowing players to make tactical decisions based on their collections and future goals. Despite the challenges posed by botting and market fluctuations, I remain optimistic about the potential for future growth and development within the Splinterlands ecosystem.

As I look forward to the release of new rewards and the eventual advancement of land features, I am excited to see how these strategic choices will play out. Until then, I will continue to adapt and prepare, always looking for the next opportunity to optimize my holdings and stay ahead in the game.

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I couldn't care less about the titles, so I don't care much about who claims them. From what I've seen, the Legendary titles from the Glint shop were selling for 3x LESS than comparable legendary titles from other means.

My biggest concern with the soulbound reward cards is completing my maxed Gold Foil set. We should really know already what the unlock fees are to transfer these cards to other accounts, so we can make informed decisions about buying more rewards. But the company has been dragging its feet on this for so long and I find it terribly frustrating. I should be able to effectively plan my soulbound card strategy, but I can't because the company is dicking around with this decision.

One handy tip I've been using when burning SBRC is to try and wait until I have an extra card fully maxed out before burning it, so that I can get that 5% bonus for burning a max card.
