# Vacation Impact - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 50 Report Card


This was a rough Season as I was on vacation with the family traveling for most of the Season. While I started very active and used the majority of my energy knowing that some days I would be challenged to get some time to play. Luckily I did as I had a very difficult time with data connection for the middle of the Season. It has been years since my account held energy or ECR idle for more than a day but it happened twice during this Season. In the end, it impacted my Glint as expected.

Match Report


RankChampion #446Champion #77
Rating4100 - Champion II3880 - Champion III
Rating High41203940
Ratio (Win/Loss)2.56 (41/16)1.15 (116/101)
Longest Streak135

This was a rough Season as I was on vacation with the family traveling for most of the Season. While I started very active and used the majority of my energy knowing that some days I would be challenged to get some time to play. Luckily I did as I had a very difficult time with data connection for the middle of the Season. It has been years since my account held energy or ECR idle for more than a day but it happened twice during this Season. In the end, it impacted my Glint as expected.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
157✨ 482624 Glint + ⭐3228.520 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

I continue to accumulate Glint as I do not need it for much these days. The titles are not attracting me either so I am just waiting on the ability to start using them for new Soulbound cards which have been hinted at some point this Summer. While it was not a great Season for rewards, I continue to stack Glint.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards426.525
Ranked Rewards as above3228.520
Brawl Rewards934.225
Tower Defense677.476
NET SPS5266.746

The slow Season and the release of Soulkeep have impacted my SPS earnings. I also missed a harvest on my land so it was a slow period for my SPS stack but I still have a good amount for now.

I am now back from vacation so working on a good rebound within the ecosystem. I am finding myself playing a lot of Soulkeep as it is the newest toy for me and I find it a great new way to use my assets. It is also more casual which is a good change for the moment which I will embrace for now as the challenges around the ecosystem continues.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


I still can't manage to hold onto my glint trying to complete my GF CL SBRC set. Only 9 more rares, 10 more epics, and 11 more legendaries. I'm just buying the old fashioned loot chests because I love the large sums of Merits and Energy to help me open more gladius packs and jam extra battles for SPS + Glint!
