Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!
The Challenge.
The ruleset for this battle was:
Super Sneak.
Broken Arrows.
31 Mana.
Link to the battle:
Starting line-up
With this ruleset i chose my red panda summoner as it's main ability it to direct all attacks at my tank with a secondary ability of triage which heals a monster every turn. Both very important for the battle ahead.
With broken arrows and super sneak it was going to be a lot of melee monsters and maybe some magic. Since we are only allowed five choices each that limits it even more. I put lord arianthus as my tank to soak up the attacks and even thought it's a beta card it's still one of the best you can have in your deck.
My opponent went along the same lines with a summoner to weaken magic attacks and a lot of thorns in the sneak position to soak up my attacks. Lets see who did it better.
First kill.
The first kill turned into a double kill. The first round was fairly uneventful with a lot of shields getting broken and not much else. Having Skull at the sneak position is going to soak up a lot of my attacks and the healing effect of windeku is going to come into play as well.
On my side it's going to be a question of how much i can heal my monsters before they get taken out of the game. My tank is very strong against magic and melee so it should take a lot of damage.
The kill came in the first attack of the second round. Their magic attack got reflected and with an amplify it was enough to take three health points and kill off their Cabalist. Unfortunately it also took out my tank at the same time for a double death.
Round three.
These two deaths were swiftly followed by the deaths of their skeleton. I put grund in my line up to use up the allowed mana points and for his double strike with four melee. That's eight melee every round if the strikes are successful. They weren't in the first couple of rounds since the skeleton had dodge abilities but now it can come into play properly.
It's four monsters to three at the start of the round but i have a lot more attack left to play with. They have only seven attack points compared to my fifteen and have a monster on one health. Their advantage is thorns and healing in their sneak monster but i think it's advantage to me from what i can see.
Finishing line-up.
Round three cleared out a lot of the remaining monsters. First my new tank, then grund hit their sneak for eight killing the windeku. leaving only four monsters going into the fourth round. I'm confident of the win now as their last attacker is going to get taken out by my venari with a sneak attack.
Since their last monster has no attack the end is inevitable and soon. The match did go three more rounds with my queen dying by poison and then taking a few turns to break the shield and finish off their life but we got there in the end.
Try for yourself.
If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.
Link to the game here,
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
The opponent had a lot of cards with thorn, and it could have been harder if these cards had enough health.
Good win though, for one moment I thought those thorns would do enough damage
oh! Lord A is a very nice card! GG!
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock