RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

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I say similar things to content creators who feel they deserve more support. They're free to encourage outside money to enter this ecosystem and support their work with votes. It's a great deal to the consumer. They actually earn to be supportive. Same goes for the Splinterlands community. They could support this with their own HP, and earn on top of that, plus see their project get funding.

And if I see thousands of people step up to the plate to support this but you need 90k HP to get pushed over the 29 million HP required to pass this, I might change my mind and support it because then I can actually see the value.


That's a fair way to look at it. Cheers and thanks for the dialogue on this!


All good Dave. I didn't write that expecting the response to go smoothly lol.

Good luck here. And for the record, I do have a lot of respect for this project and the community behind it.


Back at you noname and lol on the smooth convo :)

I do appreciate you taking the time to engage, and I'm also glad to see that you have respect for the project even if you vote against the proposal itself. That's nice to hear and best wishes to you going forward!!!


I've returned briefly to offer some perspective. Initially you made it sound like I'm setting the bar way too high for the Splinterlands community.

I want to show you something. It's a Thread I published to this chain a few months ago.

"Fun Fact: The "middle class" on Hive is stronger than you think. Orcas with 37M HP and Dolphins with 27M HP. That's more than enough power to pass a proposal for example..."

Was accurate at the time of writing. "Dolphins" alone have nearly enough HP to push this proposal into approved status.

This is why people need to show up/participate, rather than feeling like it's so far out of reach they shouldn't even try.

And it's worth noting, when I say "Splinterlands Community", I know for a fact some have a lot of HP and some have very little. Combined, you're a powerful bunch capable of great things.


I appreciate you taking the time to explain all of this and I wasn't aware when I wrote the original comment that it wasn't a 50% threshold to pass. (my premise was flawed in the beginning)

I definitely agree with you that people need to be involved to make things happen. I also agree that people on all DAOs (including ours) should realize that owning their governance token gives them power collectively, so they need to learn how to use it if they want results they seek. I think many people feel that its just "the whales" that decide things, but in reality the mid level voters carry more weight than they realize.

Again I appreciate the positive and constructive engagement, its much appreciated no matter how this prop works out.


Back when I published those thoughts, it was an attempt to dispel some of the myths. It's not a whale's club. Even in the comment section here we can see folks perpetuating those myths.

So I'm not supporting the proposal. I'm supporting the fact you're all perfectly capable of supporting it.

I've been watching closely. And for years I've been under the impression Splinterlands was, big. Many of the community members said so themselves. At times even boastfully.

As of this writing I'm seeing only 465 votes backing this proposal. 66 by proxy meaning they've not engaged.

I don't know much about Splinterlands or the community. It would be incredibly irresponsible of me to support this blindly. So I sit, wait, and watch. Actions speak louder than words.


I think it is fair that you watch such things and draw the conclusions that you feel are appropriate. I know I would do the same thing if it was a Splinterlands DAO vote. Honestly I'm thrilled to see you paying attention and being open about what you are looking for, that's all anyone could hope for in my opinion.
