How good is Scavo Chemist


It might have no attack, and only 3 health, but the Scavo Chemist is a valuable addition to everyone's deck.

I am finding more and more poison ruleset matches lately, and occasionally I have been up against a Waka summoner, where I am poisoned with quite regularity. For a mere 2 mana, you can rid yourself of poison, or even affliction if it were to come your way.

Poison Battle where Scavo Chemist made the difference

In this match, the poison ruleset was the focus of the match, and not only that, I was up against a negative 1 health from the summoner. As youc an see by the lineup

After the first round I was practically just down to my tank, who luckily had been cleansed of the poison. But my Living Lava would not always outlast a Harkaw which is legendary, but the difference here is my opponent was poisoned I wasn't

Round 2


So now its down to two monsters really a one versus one as the backline can't attack and will be gone next round, and with both monsters with shields, its the poison that makes all the difference.

Other uses for Cleanse

whilst cleanse is a sure bet for poison rounds, it also can be effective when you are having a tank healing strategy, and the opponent has affliction. however there is an artform in this strategy, because you need to make sure the cleanse is faster than the heal, and the affliction is either slower than the heal or faster than the cleanse. a good strategy but a tight band to work within.

Finally my thoughts on crypto

I haven't posted much these days, as I am busy with work, whilst the crypto markets have come down a lot I'm still very positive on the difference crypto and blockchain can make to the world, so those that have had losses and not feeling so positive, I cant promise you they will go back up again, but I can definitely promise you that blockchain technology has loads of use cases and there wont be a death of crypto, at least whilst ever they can't be cracked (e.g. quantum computers). And by the way, cold fusion has been promised for 70 years, I think quantum computers are the same.. will take decades if not centuries before they will be practical... but that's just one persons view.



It's great to see you back and posting again. I didn't know the usefulness of the Scavio until now. Wow.


Wow.. Never rated the scavo guy
