Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Super Sneak!

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Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I used to say welcome to my splinterlands blog here but as of now I'm trying not only to cover splinterlands but also be more active on hive in general, making other posts too to hopefully help both ecosystems, so far it's quite hard to get my non splinterlands posts the same attention as my splinterlands posts but I hope my perseverance will eventually be good enough, after all - my splinterlands posts didn't get picked up at the start too.

Today I will be making a new Battle Mage Secrets Challenge post - this week it's about the Super Sneak ruleset, in which all melee units gets the sneak ability.

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, check out the splinterlands post here.

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Before we go into today's battle, I did some shopping again! Besides splinterlands I was also playing another web3 game, Crypto Unicorns but the game has died and the team has stopped working on it so it's assets lost all value. This is the strength Splinterlands has in my opinion, the new games have much higher risk to die and lose all value, Splinterlands has been here for six years already and the team has already proven they're not bailing out when life gets tough.
I was able to get $43 of assets out of Crypto Unicorns before everything collapsed entirely so I'm now literally putting all my eggs in to one basket because I lost faith in new or other games. So maybe it's stupid - I don't care I'm having fun every day playing Splinterlands and hopefully we can have many fruitful years to come!

So I bought Possibilus the Wise to get my level 3 to max level, it was cheaper over combining by 1 card than to buy 5 seperate BCX, so I bought a level 3 and now my max level is 12 BCX 😁.
I reinforced my fire team with the rest of the funds, buying a max level Tarsa (which was under $10!) so my level 6 could be delegated to my alt account. And I also bought a higher level Forgotten One, with the Piercing ability for Super Sneak rulesets when not many other splinters are open to be chosen from. I also bought a max level Antoid Platoon and 25 extra BCX to level up my Molten Ash Golem so it gets the Demoralize ability. 🙂

I didn't have a lot of success with it yet - yesterday I pushes in to Modern Diamond 3 and with just 8 hours left before season end it's very competitive now and I'm facing a lot of really high decks commanded by skilled players.


On with today's topic!

Enough small talk, I know 😁 but I like to make my posts a bit personal and not only spam a battle in it...

The battle I have saved for this post is a 24 mana Healed Out / Super Sneak battle in the Wild League with only the Dragon and Earth splinters available, in Super Sneak matches I like to make a sneak trap using a martyr card to speed up my Regal Peryton, but you have to watch out for full magic teams not using the sneak at all, a bit like I'm doing myself, with more mana, the Unicorn Mustang is a nice tank to protect against full magic teams but it didn't fit for this one.

First look at the battlefield:


It's a melee team allright, Katrelba can be very dangerous though and she's boosted by Thane Newsong, I hope my speed and flying combined does it's job by dodging her attacks!
My strategy is pretty straight forward: Let the marksrat be killed to boost Biljka and Peryton to do a lot of magic damage while Peryton dodges most incoming melee attacks while killing the front instead of what my opponent suspects - the rear.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Obsidian - reason: Boost magic for my sneak trap strategy.
  • First position: Hill Giant - reason: Low mana good HP tank.
  • Second position: Lurking Puffer - reason: Silence and a low mana meat shield to protect against magic, pretty useless now.
  • Third position: Madcap Magus - reason: Dangerous magic scattershot guy.
  • Fourth position: Regal Peryton - reason: High speed, flying, good damage.
  • Fifth position: Venari Marksrat - reason: Martyr to boost adjacent cards and speed up Peryton.
  • Sixth position: Djinn Biljka - reason: Camouflaged glass canon.

The Battle:


Round 1: So far my strategy works out as planned although Katrelba got a kill that speeded her up she missed her second strike anyway.


Round 2: Katrelba got another kill but her weakness is low HP and she got to the front too fast (well, not for me of course) so she was killed by my high magic damage backline.


Round 3: The Hill Giant didn't stand a chance, being outnumbered and with 11 magic damage incoming every turn, it's a win!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.


The older players will recognize this guy 😁 #childhoodmemories

Well this is it for blogging Splinterlands content for this week, I hope to get some wins on my accounts before the season ends so let's go!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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