Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Rage Doesn't Need Any Friends

Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked


I fought an interesting battle where I used Rage.


Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_414ad35e009206aabb98e8d1c9fa21d7


This game has the following rule sets: Silenced Summoners, Stampede, and Heavy Hitters. Since it's 99 and Silenced Summoners, it's easy to pick a Dragon summoner, as we both did. My team was Arkemis the Bear, Carnage Titan, Rage, Chaos Dragon, Runic Skyclaw, and Agor Longtail. They went with a strategy that is seen often in high mana games, from the people who have a lot of Rebellion cards. Silverblade Fighter with Mantaroth behind it, Iziar in the third slot, next to Chaos Dragon, and 2 Resurrect monsters for the last spots: Commander Goff and Adelade Brightwing.


Not much happened in round 1, but in round 2, I made them use the first Resurrect on Iziar with Runic Skyclaw. Rage killed Iziar again, and Agor finished the job. Both their Blast monsters were buffed 3 times each! My Chaos Dragon took out their Adelade, but she had done her job already. In round 3, their Chaos Dragon took out mine and Arkemis took care of the Fighter. My Bear survived at just 1 HP. The next round started with Chaos Dragon hitting Runic Skyclaw, killing it, and Mantaroth finished my Bear. However, my magic monsters took out the Mantaroth and Chaos Dragon was sent to the front line. In round 5 Chaos Dragon ended my Titan making the game 2 vs. 2. However, it's easy to see that Rage dominates Chaos Dragon, especially when they're face to face. Agor was taking Goff's hits and, by round 7, the game ended.


What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io
