Splinterlands ramblings, and a tiny break


Weekly card giveaway rambl.jpg

Another season begins, and it's one that I will likely fully skip, since I'll be away from the computer a good part of it. That also means that I'll only announce the winner of the coming giveaway two weeks from now; seeing it on the bright side, it's more time for you to join in! :)

This weeks also marked some changes in the glint shop, with a new set of chests being introduced, giving a chance for a jackpot prize, that includes beta packs, titles and even land plots! The mechanics were nerfed not even 48h after launch, since the team hadn't antecipated such enthusiasm from the players... nor the fact that apparently one single account (connected to a bot farm) was able to get almost 20% of the entire prizes given out on that time frame. If that is true, well, it's just another exploit, another extraction, it's another whatever you want to call it, created by the same situation Splinterlands team keeps perpetuating; the one that is slowly (or faster, at this point) dragging the game to the ground and pushing real players away (and I would say investors as well: bots.

I wont dwelve on this subject again, at least not today. My only question is, when? When will human players start getting the attention they deserve?

By the way, if you haven't joined a guild yet and you're a dedicated player, our guild Roaring Twenties is at level 10! If you're thinking about joining in, you can check the info on the guild page, or reach us on discord here to discuss membership!


So, and who won this week's card?


Congratulations @ladymisa! The Deeplurker is going your way!

For this next giveaway, the card that will be switching hands is...


The Time Meddler!


No upvote, follow or resteem required. Just comment! Or even better, tag a fellow player! Winner will be randomly chosen at post payout; good luck everyone!


Hive divider by doze.gif

Still haven't joined Splinterlands? In what planet do you live in? Click the banner below and join the fun! (It has my referral link; you can go directly to the website if you don't want to use it; either way... join in! 😎 )
