Just a Reminder... .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 185


I came back from vacation and got deep into HIVE right away! 😃 I checked a couple of highly engaging posts like the one from @solominer, where he created a simple poll that provoked a huge discussion in the comment section... Before that, I created a post which I began to write on my vacation about upvotes on HIVE, and another one yesterday...

When you are down on the field, you get some hits... Whatever you do, even if it is good for your working surroundings, sooner or later, you will have to deal with negativity or negative people in general... It's hard to accept criticism, but it's even harder to accept it when it's not constructive at all... A lot of people have a short memory and they remember only things that happened a few days ago, forgetting about the complete journey that took them to this very spot!

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Created in Canva.com

I'm not an exception for that either, especially if I'm pulled down by negativity... But, in those moments, it's always good to stop, take a break, zoom out, and look longer back in history... So, I did that...

The main concern was how HIVE is heavily centralized, the big whales are upvoting only for their buddies, and how an ordinary new Hivian has no chance of succeeding on the chain... One of the comments that was a good reminder was the one written by @macchiata where she said:

In the past, without communities, it was truly wild west to find great content, now just make the best content, engage and someone is increasing their chance of getting curated.

If you were here 5+ years ago, you probably remember that it was indeed Wild West, as we didn't have communities, and all posts were "in the same place"... Also, most whales were selling their upvotes, which means that the most upvoted posts weren't the best ones, but those who paid the biggest price... I'm not neglecting that we had some of that "under the table", but it is much, much better than before...

Just another good reminder is that in those times, we didn't have Hive-Engine tokens at ALL!!! Without it, even this pool wouldn't exist, and many other tokens that were created and run there! Yes, many of them have died and never recovered, but those who are still working add value to the chain too! We can't forget that...

These two examples are just the most obvious, but we had many other changes and we can't say that HIVE was sitting in one place... Could we have done better? Probably... Can we do better? Of course, we can! How do you contribute to HIVE to make it better?

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Back to the numbers of this week...

No big changes in the number of mined tokens this week, but we got 1 new delegator!!! Welcome to the PH-Pool, @georgeknowsall! Or better said, welcome back! 🙂 Along with his delegation, we got a few more from old delegators! Thanks, guys and girls! Appreciate it!

This week we mined 111 BEE tokens in total!!!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!

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Screenshot from 2024-08-26 21-57-34.png

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What about the bonus tokens?

It looks like the Splinterlands' main token, SPS is finally recovering and it's going up in value recently! Indexed in HIVE, it hit the bottom at the end of July, and from then, it is going up slowly... At the moment, it is almost 50% up from its bottom!

There will be distributed 270 SPS tokens to the delegators of the pool as a bonus reward today!

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As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... 111 BEE tokens and 270 SPS tokens will be distributed as a bonus... The APR (without the bonus) was 6.903%, and when we added the bonus it went up to 8.276%!

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought WB and sold BEE tokens at the middle HiveEngine price...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post, and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to STAKE tokens to YOUR account and DELEGATE your staked WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102)! Every week you will get your portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!


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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here https://inleo.io/hive-119826/@ph1102/workerbee-p-h-ool-let-s-help-each-other

Thank you for your time,


None of this is financial advice!!!

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh wow
Why do people sell their upvotes?
Well, the person is kinda right about new accounts having less chance to succeed especially when they do not have any Hive Power at all
And I think that’s because whales and maybe other people love to support people they know. You can’t just expect me to support you when I don’t know you or when you are not posting something that I like
That’s why so many people like me love to post about contests so that I can build my HP
That’s why I’m striving hard to build my HP so that I can always vote others and earn from it too


Why do people sell their upvotes?

Well, back in the past, whales were selling upvotes, pushing some posts to the trending page, where they could get even more votes... + there was a different way of calculating rewards...

Well, the person is kinda right about new accounts having less chance to succeed especially when they do not have any Hive Power at all

That is true, but that is true for everything in life... You can't expect to become a CEO of the company on your first day as an accountant... It needs time to build your account, and your style, find your place, and build relationships...

Building your own HP shows a lot... your commitment, your willing to support others, etc.


I see you got back to the good habits after vacations. Workerbee pool post on Mondays ;-).

I think that you pointed out something very important. Hive is not perfect but we have come a long way and it's much better than it was in many respects. I believe we can make hive better by not only looking at what is not going well but at pushing things that are good forward, look at things from other perspectives and be innovative. Expressed in other words, let's not lament but build :-)


Hehehehe... Stop whining and start changing... :)


They tend to remember negative things about you to drag you down 😉 This is called ambition


I try to think that it's not on purpose and that those people don't know the other way of doing things... But, you could be right...


I think the chances for newbies to get support and grow their account is quite good and requires just 2 things. First to focus on creating good content and get noticed by curators. They need to be consistent and not get disheartened if sometimes you dont get voted. Secondly, focus on engagement and learning about the chain and other users through communities and onchain activities. There have been some big prizes up for grabs and only 1 or 2 people participated, so you could really do well if you look for opportunities.


Agree! People tend to overcomplicate the whole thing... Comparing newbies with people who are here from the beginning is ridiculous... To build anything, you need time... It's not an overnight job... If it were, everyone would be successful in their field, which isn't the case...

It is simple as you said... Those who tried can confirm that's true...


Yes! I like your values, you got an witness vote from me


Thank you very much! Appreciate it! 🙏


You are welcome. I dont talk so much but been reading.


It is true that it is necessary to take a break from work, it refreshes the mind and then when you come back, you work with more effort and dedication.


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Wow, I didn't know much about Hive five years ago but reading this post just gave me a clue, I use to think people who have been here years ago had it easy than we who just joined.

I think one thing is, if you want to be seen, make a move, go places where people will see you. It requires effort to succeed here on the chain, make effort to visit other people's post too and they'll reciprocate.


What you say it's true, but the most important thing of all is to have fun, to learn new things, and to appreciate that!

There is no need to overcomplicate things... 😉


I wasn't here 5 years ago, but it sounds chaotic. I think there isn't much we can do about the votes. Just grow your account, and maybe you will get enough influence. At least, I think that was a motivating factor for me to increase my HP.

Thanks for running the pool and for the BEE/SPS tokens.


Just grow your account, and maybe you will get enough influence. At least, I think that was a motivating factor for me to increase my HP.

It's as simple as that!!! But, when people ask me how to "succeed" on HIVE and I tell them what you wrote, they can't believe it... lol...


I think it's always preferable to work on making things better despite knowing that they're a mess. In a way, it's an opportunity for new found growth rather than dwelling on the past about how things were before.


When things are a mess, it is an additional challenge to make them better... :) I criticize things too, but always try to find constructive criticism, that could help out toward finding a solution...
It's a good thing to point out the issues, that's a starting point to find solutions...


Definitely, I think constructive criticism is a great starting point to realize what's going wrong and how to make it better.


A lot of people fail to notice that it's become better than it use to be. Sure, we still have whales supporting whales, but the chain is tremendously better and can only get better. Orcas and Dolphins just needs to increase in number


YES! That's the point! Not on HIVE, but also IRL too! To have an empowered "middle class" that can participate in deciding, in governance more actively!


At least so the gulf in class wouldn't be too much


Interesting history we had - wasn't around during that time thankfully lol! Thanks for the SPS!


It was very educational... and I have passed through many stages, too... The way of thinking and viewing HIVE... I have changed probably my views 3-4-5 times...

I don't regret being here for that time... You see people (and the chain) differently when you know the whole history...


That poll of @solominer did create a lot of discussions. What's even more interesting is to switch the poll results view from 'number of votes' to 'tokens (HP)', and we can see a vastly different distribution of votes, with high-stakers in their majority voting 'no'.


Tbh, that was expected... I mean, those who are cashing out everything have no HivePower, so they can't have a different "result"... In some way, I don't want to judge people for cashin out, but I really don't like to see the same people complaining how they can't succeed on HIVE, how people don't like them, and when whales don't upvote them anymore, to whine how HIVE sucks...

It's just taking, without giving back...


Yep, it seemed a logical result. Unless someone comes from the point of view that Hive should be more of a charity to attract users.

Row blockchain data at particular times can be misleading regarding someone's long term plans and actions on Hive. That's why I would be very careful about considering a power down (even sent to an external exchange) as a net negative for Hive. That may come back multiplied. Or that person needs some funds urgently and doesn't have any more fiat reserves. But if someone consistently withdraws from the platform and doesn't build their account even slowly, then they are treating Hive as a job or side job to increase their income. Easier to understand in the poorer regions of the world, but still, it's the intention that matters too.


Easier to understand in the poorer regions of the world, but still, it's the intention that matters too.

Interestingly, that was exactly what we discussed live, in BuzzParty Hamburg... As guys from @coldbeetrootsoup raised that question, as they had "face to face" contact with people on the ground, helping out to build up that school with the Internet connection...

One of the conclusions was that people who came from those countries DO NEED money to survive, but as they didn't have THIS money from HIVE, do they really need it all? I mean, if you get $100 from the sky, do you have to spend it all at once? Or you could save $10 for the "black(er) days"...

Not pointing fingers, just trying to show that long-term savings and investing can pay off much more than short-term spending... You probably do understand that as you are doing the same, but teaching others about that possibility is important... It can empower those people, and people which they support, and so on, and so on... HIVE is beautiful... when we use it properly... :)


That's a good question! I understand the benefits of saving a portion and building up the account, obviously. I also saw a few efforts from outstanding members in their community trying to make them understand it. But I also understand their reluctance, in many cases, not that I like it.

If HIVE is "money from the sky" as you put it, the sky may dry out and they would be left with no additional income. Also, based on their national currency(ies), they are trained to use them as quickly as they get them. For most of them, the notion of saving doesn't exist. Of course, those who go beyond the almost irrational fear of not having with what to feed their family the next few days and understand the earnings (at least the HBD) are in "dollars", not in their national currency, should see beyond the gut reactions and plan further. It's harder for HIVE, especially as it goes down. Because they live this in their real lives and it's not pretty. So they are afraid, I assume, many of them, to bet on the bull market. That's a problem, because they had their successful people too, who lead by example. Also let's not forget many of them live in dictatorships or unstable countries. Places where savings aren't safe much less than in the west. They need to understand Hive is different in this way. That Hive can be their oasis in the desert, but you can't suck it dry, or water stops.


I believe in: Money don't grow on trees...

So if you get money from the sky you should always save some. The most important thing is not to get too used to having more money cause it is much harder to get back to the place without extra money.

Always and always save as much as you can, but also spread it to different places. Buy other crypto, gold, silver...invest.

Don't have all your assets only on Hive, cause if it goes away... it will all be gone.


Don't have all your assets only on Hive, cause if it goes away... it will all be gone.

I never was a collector of gold or silver pieces, although I sometimes thought about it as a hedge. But I keep hearing next decade will be really grim for our current way of life, which may be true or not, but I am thinking more seriously maybe it's time to hedge a bit, over time.


Hive really has come a long way in the last 5 years.. so true.


While some see a lot of problems, I see progress... When the price is low, it doesn't look great, but we are in a much better situation than before... More mature chain, with all the good and bad stuff... Less hype, but more community...

Yes, there are issues, but we are still moving forward...

Thanks for creating that poll! It brought a great discussion in the comment section, and we need(ed) dialogue!
