Celebrating 6 Years of Splinterlands: How did I find this game?

Hello and welcome to my blog!

Splinterlands is one of the most popular web3 games on Hive, with many active players. We are celebrating 6 years of Splinterlands and I love to read and share stories of discovery of this game. I am here to share mine today.

It was one fine day in November 2021, cryptocurrencies were doing great, especially anything linked with Web3. Web3 and Metaverse were the new buzzwords and the price of gaming tokens was skyrocketing. I followed the market occasionally but had close to no funds for investing to jump into anything. Around that time, I started hearing about Web3 games and searched on Google for the best/most popular web3 games.

Splinterlands came up in most of the results, topping some of the lists too. I never heard of this game. From that list of games, I only heard about that Axie game but it was too expensive to get into at that time. But Splinterlands looked like a good candidate.

I tried to gather more information about Splinterlands and how to get started there. If I need any investment what kind of returns people are getting these days or is the gameplay fun or not? I did most of my research through YouTube and the game looked good to me. I always loved strategy or puzzle games and this looked like a game which is skill-based too.

One of the videos that helped me a lot was this tutorial.

I watched a lot of other videos and read some FAQs and any other information available on their website.

I bought the Spell book and started playing with the Starter cards to understand the game more. I would never skip the battles and watch them attentively to not miss any important detail. There are a lot of abilities that I had to get myself familiar with. The concepts like attack order, max level of cards which can be used, speed concepts, attack types etc took some time to be familiar with.

But the real learning started when I had to join Splinterlands Discord for an issue with one of my transactions. I asked in their help channel and someone helped me. Later that day, I was contacted by another helpful person (I won't name her, I have mentioned her a lot of times already...hehe), who not only gave me more info on my queries but told me about the underlying blockchain where I could read other players thoughts about the game and learn even further.

I had no idea about HIVE until she told me about the blockchain. Well, I knew it was a blockchain game but wasn't much interested in learning how the blockchain works and why it is one of the coolest chains out there. She further helped me in my Splinterlands and Hive journey and I was fortunate enough to interview her for my discord show on @ecency.

The game has changed a lot since then and we have seen a lot of new things added to the game, how rating systems used to work. I saw the addition of another format. At that time, the Chaos edition was not even launched and I have seen two new additions. Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers. Both of them introduced so many new cards, abilities and rulesets. Since then I have joined a Guild and played many brawls. Although I am not as active there as I used to be.

Well, this was my journey of Splinterlands. I have completed more than two and a half years here out of the six years of Splinterlands. How I wish to be an early investor and player. I always regret not finding Splinterlands soon enough but what can we do? Let's try to maximize this, who knows, maybe we will all see some good days soon.

Here are some helpful tips if you are interested in joining this game too

  • Practice, practice and practice (There is no shortcut to this, you just have to play the game for longer)
  • Join communities on discords, telegrams, Hive etc (If you are reading this, you have joined at least one of them. Explore more!)
  • Share your experience with others and blog on Hive. Also, take part in challenges like this (When you write and explain your strategies you will understand it much better, just try it.)
  • Don't get too attached to the result of the game and focus more on learning the strategies (As I said before, focus on the process not just on the results)
  • Rent your way up if you can't afford to buy cards (No need to buy a $150 card just rent them for much cheaper and see if it helps)
  • If you are feeling frustrated just take a rest and come back again the next day. Don't push too much, you will end up losing more!
  • Watch replays and don't skip them (Especially when you are trying new strategies and units)
  • Go to the help section of Splinterlands website and read all the resources!
  • Take part in tournaments and other challenges.
  • Join a Guild and play Brawls, which will help you get extra rewards.
  • Make friends and HAVE FUN! (This is the most important of them all)

Thanks for reading!

Splinterlands is a popular NFT-based play2earn game. If you have not joined the game yet, then you are missing a lot of fun. You can join by using my referral link.




Wow, good friend what an incredible journey. Splinterlands has come a long way, and it's amazing to see how the community has grown and evolved over the years. 😍😍


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Everyone has their story, but yours is interested i love the theme graphics nice work top notch


Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉



500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP



It is an inspiring experience you had since you joined Splinterlands.
Have a great week and Happy six anniversary
May SPS and Cards Price go up to the sky
Have you staked DEC and Grain in the pool exchange on the land section of the game?


Greetings, man. May you have a great season!
