My Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Goblin Psychic

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and/or read more about the challenge, click here.

We are at the start of a fresh new splinterlands season. I have been busy for the past few days and struggling in brawls too but there is this one unit that is making it a bit easier for me. Well, many units come in handy in a range of battles but this highlighted unit is a versatile one and I use it very often in my battles, I am talking about the Earth unit, Goblin Psychic. It is only a common unit but it fits harmoniously in many compositions and I am here to talk more about this impressive unit.

Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.

Goblin Psychic

Tank Heal

Goblin Psychic is a common earth unit that came out during the Chaos Legion edition. This is a very powerful unit which can be used at the cost of 6 mana and its attacking strength as well as its ability makes it a worthy unit.

I had a level 3 which dealt 2 magic attack damage and came 5 health points of its own. Its 'tank heal' ability makes any tank happy and helps it last much longer during our battles. Along with a strong and sturdy tank, it can be a nuisance for the enemy team and eliminating it early can become a crucial factor in the battlefield.

Let's see how I used it in one of my battles.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Position 1
Unicorn Mustang
Position 2
Tortosian Chief
Position 3
Queen Mycelia
Position 4
Goblin Psychic
Position 5
Khmer Princess
Position 6
Halfing Alchemist

It was only a 31-mana cap battle and had the 'Close Range' ruleset which allows even the ranged attackers to attack from the first position.

All elements except 'Life' and 'Death' were active during this battle. I went with the 'Earth' element as I wanted to go with a heavy magic attack setup so I used the Obsidian summoner which increases all the magic attack damage of friendly units by 1.

My primary tank in this battle was Unicorn Mustang. It costs 8 mana but comes with some nice stats, dealing 3 melee attack damage and comes with a whopping 11 hp. It also comes with the 'Void' ability which is effective against magic attackers and reduces the damage it takes from them by 50%. I had high hopes for this unit and it was the glue that should held this lineup together.

Tortosian Chief was placed in the second position in my lineup. It cost only 5 mana and dealt 2 magic attack damage with decent health. However, it didn't come with any abilities of its own. I used this unit just for its sheer magic attack damage.

In the third position, I placed the Queen Mycelia, another mage that dealt only 1 magic attack damage but the best part about it is its 'protect' ability which gives all the friendly units 2 extra armour. This is going to be extremely effective against melee and ranged attackers and since this was a 'close range' ruleset I was expecting some ranged attackers from my opponent. This only costs 4 mana which is such a bargain.

Goblin Psychic came in the next position, one of the most important parts of the entire lineup. It dealt 2 magic attack damage and comes with just 5 health points but what made this unit very useful is its 'tank heal' ability which heals the unit at the first position after each round. This can make a strong tank last much longer and can change the fate of the entire battle. Having a good tank that can take advantage of this healing ability is equally crucial.

Next in my lineup was Khmer Princess, another mage that deals only 1 magic attack damage and costs just 2 mana. This was a cheap unit and didn't have any abilities of its own.

In the last position, I placed the Halfing Alchemist. It was the only ranged attacker dealing just 1 ranged attack damage but it came with a powerful ability called 'halving' which reduces its target's attack to half. This is very effective against heavy attackers. And it only costs 2 mana so it was a no-brainer for me to add this to my lineup.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

It was not the most interesting ruleset but still, it encourages the use of ranged attackers in your lineup so I had that in the back of my mind while I came up with my strategy and that prompted me to add extra armour to all the friendly unit which was provided by Queen Mycelia.

I used the Obsidian as my summoner which increased the magic attack by 1. I went with two heavy tanks at the front of the lineup. Unicorn Mustang was my tank in this lineup which got supported and healed by our highlighted unit, the Golbin Psychic which not only dealt heavy magic attack damage of its own but also helped my tank last much longer during the battlefield.

Also, a crucial role was played by the Halfing Alchemist which reduced the attacking strength of a couple of heavy hitters.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win at the end.

My opponent went with a mixed attack type and used Mylor Crowling which should punish melee attackers but fortunately I went with a heavy magic attack setup. Both of us used the Unicorn Mustang as our tanks and supported it with Goblin Psychic.

My opponent used the Fungus Flinger which has 'martry' ability and once it got defeated early as the battle started it increased the stats of their tank by +1. But my Halfing Alchemist came to the rescue and decreased its attack by half.

After the first round, it looked even as both sides tried desperately to take down the other's tank. It was in round 3 when that stalemate broke and their tank got defeated and along with it was their Goblin Psychic.

But my tank was getting healed up and the synergy between my tank and Goblin Psychic was beautiful. It took 4 rounds for my opponent to get rid of my Unicorn Mustang.

With only a ranged attacker left against 4 of my attackers, it was all over. Their Hunter Jack didn't last long and at the end of round 5, I registered an easy win.


As you just saw in the above battle, Goblin Psychic is a very powerful mage capable of changing the fate of the battle. It is extremely effective in mid-high mana cap battles. It justifies its 6 mana cost easily with its powerful magic attack damage and its 'tank heal' ability.

Having a strong tank in the front of the lineup is a crucial part of the strategy as well and if you can support that tank with perhaps some extra armour then the healing plus the armour will make the front of the lineup very strong, just like you saw in the above battle.

I highly recommend having this unit in your deck. It is one of the most common earth units that I saw people using in their battles and rightly so.

Thanks for reading...

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