Testing some strategies with Adelade Brightwing

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

The Rebellion edition is the latest edition of cards in Splinterlands and there are a lot of new summoners and monsters. The game keeps growing both in terms of total playable cards and rulesets/abilities. Each week I focus on different monsters and discuss them in detail with strategies that best fit them. This week we are going back to the Chaos edition for an impressive unit. It is a Legendary Life unit, Adelade Brightwing, a powerful attacker with impressive stats and some very useful abilities. Let's talk more about it and start by looking at its stats in detail.

Adelade Brightwing

Flying, Repair, Resurrect

Adelade Brightwing is a Legendary Life unit with impressive stats. It comes with 'Resurrect' ability which makes it quite powerful and helps in many different kinds of compositions and lineups. It is a good attacker too and deals with magic attacks.

I had a level 2 and it dealt 2 magic attack damage with 'Flying', 'Repair' and 'Resurrect' abilities. All these abilities make it a legendary unit and the lineup gets very strong in both attacking and defensive aspects. It has a relatively low health though, so I avoid putting it in front of my lineup and using it effectively.

Let me show you how it performs using a battle as an example.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Venari Marksrat
Position 1
Time Meddler
Position 2
Adelade Brightwing
Position 3
Halfling Alchemist
Position 4
Mad Ogre Anarchist

It was a 29-mana cap battle with the Standard Ruleset.

Only Water, Death and Fire elements were active during this ruleset. I went with Lorna Shine as it gives the Holy Protection ability to all the units. And this helps them take one less hit. Also, the units that are resurrected back from my highlighted unit will receive the ability again which will make them last even longer.

I used the Venari Marksrat in the first position just to utilize its Martyr ability which will make the next unit even stronger. And this will happen twice if it is the first unit to die. I was expecting it to die soon and that was part of the plan.

Next in my lineup was Time Meddler. It is an impressive unit and works like a tank which will take a lot of beating and stay alive for a long period. Just enough so my units at the back can take down the enemy lineup. It dealt 2 magic attack damage and cost 8 mana.

The highlighted unit, Adelade Brightwing came next in the lineup. As I already discussed, it comes with a lot of abilities and much of the lineup was dependent on its abilities. Having a 'flying' and 'repair' ability makes my defence much more sturdier too.

One of the most interesting units was Halfling Alchemist which can cut half of its target attack and is extremely effective against heavy attackers.

Last but not least was Mad Ogre Anarchist. Costing 6 mana, it dealt 2 melee attack damage with Opportunity ability which makes it a good sniper. I prefer a monster with Opportunity because a lot of times many good attackers or units with good abilities have very low health and this is perfect to take down those units.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

My strategy for this battle revolved around the summoner and Adelade Brightwing. Together they made sure to make my units last for much longer. Having a strong tank which gets buffed and supported with constant repairs of its armour was what I had my bet on.

I also used the Halfling Alchemist to reduce their target's attack by half which made their attacking strength low. I had units with magic attack damage which ignores the shields and damages the health directly.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

My opponent went with an interesting strategy of their own. They used the summoner to buff their ranged attack damage and focused more on just two ranged attackers in their lineup. They had a good tank at the front of the lineup in the form of Shield Bearer but after that, they didn't have much support.

My Venari Marskrat was the first one to be eliminated but it gave the stats buff to the Time Meddler. This happened twice as well because of the resurrect from the Adelade Brightwing.

Somehow their tank survived round one but got defeated at the start of round 2 by a heavy blow by my Time Meddler.

Soon all the other units followed it. My opponent didn't put units with good health after the first tank and as the first unit got defeated all of the other soon fell exposing the ranged attackers too.

We know that the ranged attackers can't attack when they come to the first position so it was never looking good and the last two units got eliminated cheaply. My tank proved to be a big challenge for them. This gave me an easy win at the end.


Adelade Brightwing played a crucial role in my lineup, not only does it increase the overall attacking strength of your lineup by dealing 2 magic attack damage, but it also adds massively to the defensive strength as it comes with amazing abilities. Its repair and resurrect were the game changer for me and as you just saw you can utilise the same strategy.

Using it with a unit that has Martyr ability is a good strategy and can help in improving the stats of your tank and making it almost invincible. You can see in the above battle that my Time Meddler received the benefits but it was made possible with the summoner's and Adelade's help only.

I recommend it in your lineups if you have some extra mana to spare and want some more attacking strength to your lineup. Let me know if you find it useful as well.

Thanks for reading...

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Hello Pravesh! Thank you for sharing these strategies with Adelade, that was one of the first cards I upgraded to lvl 3, it has great potential and abilities that make a difference when there is poison on the battlefield. Best regards.


Wow big bro, your strategies on Adelade Brightwing are just great. Upgrading it to level 3 was a smart move, especially countering poison. !BEER


Nice move in the lineup.
Does your Life team is the strongest in the collection, considering the higher number of max out warriors?
