Odds and Ends — 16 September 2022
Are the NA-SPL-numbered accounts all bots? Asking for a friend.
Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, and Debt:
Bond Market Under Intense Stress
The Federal Reserve’s more rapid exit from crisis-era policies is set to place the $24 trillion US government bond market under extra strain, heightening concerns about the bedrock of the global financial system.
The ease with which traders can get deals done in the Treasury market has declined to the lowest levels since the early days of the pandemic in March 2020.
I’m glad that we locked in our fixed-rate refi at under 3% but it looks like those with adjustable rate mortgages are hosed. The housing market is getting ugly.
OFCOL: SEC’s Gensler Signals Extra Scrutiny for Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrencies: Report
Speaking after the Merge (but not specifically about Ethereum), SEC Chair Gary Gensler said proof-of-stake cryptos could be investment contracts that subject them to securities regulations.
Dinosaurs have a tendency to stomp and roar. IMHO, Gensler epitomizes a new class of stupid.
Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:
Risk for Developing Alzheimer’s Disease Increases by 50-80% In Older Adults Who Caught COVID-19
The New Covid Boosters Are Amazing News
‘You’re blowing this’: New book reveals Melania Trump criticized her husband’s handling of Covid
Trump Claims He Declassified Documents He Took
“I can’t imagine being indicted. I’ve done nothing wrong.”
Hubris, sweet hubris.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? FBI Agent Under Scrutiny for Ties to Russia
A former high-level FBI agent who was involved in the investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia during the 2016 election has himself come under scrutiny by federal prosecutors for his ties with Russia and other foreign governments.
Late last year, US attorneys secretly convened a grand jury that examined the conduct of Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence at the FBI field office in New York City… A witness subpoena seems to indicate that the government, in part, was looking into McGonigal’s business dealings with a top aide to Oleg Deripaska, the billionaire Russian oligarch who was at the center of allegations that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to interfere in the 2016 election.
I’m not a huge fan of Haley, but overt racism says “Hello.”
Rarely restrained in front of a camera, Mr. Trump nonetheless was even more caustic at times behind the scenes. He harshly criticized women for their looks, telling visitors that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was an example of why women should be careful about plastic surgery and that he would not pick Nikki Haley, his United Nations ambassador, as a running mate because she had a “complexion problem.”
A complexion problem? WTF?
Democrats Delay Senate Vote to Protect Gay Marriage as G.O.P. Balks
Play hardball and hold their feet to the fire before the election or hope to get ten on board after the election? Probably a mistake to wait here, they won’t have to face the voters again for a long, long time. For some of them, six years. As Bob Marley said, strike the hammer while iron is hot.
Hillary Clinton's email server: "Lock her up!"
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) September 14, 2022
Hunter Biden's laptop: "Lock him up!"
Mike Lindell's cellphone: "The FBI is using Gestapo tactics to target innocent pillow salesmen!"
Oh noes! Somebody dared to leak him correctly criticizing The Boss. The horrors!
Wagner Group: Head of Russian mercenary group filmed recruiting in prison
Migrants on Martha's Vineyard flight say they were told they were going to Boston
Migrants DeSantis Sent North Weren’t from Florida
Last night, DeSantis pulled off the stunt. He lured a couple dozen immigrants onto a pair of planes and flew it to Martha’s Vineyard, where he deposited them onto an unprepared island. He then handed the story to Fox News, a network that has coordinated closely with him and predictably gloated over his latest triumph.
The conceit of Abbott’s stunt is that his state is so overwhelmed with illegal immigrants he needs to send them to the place that is supposedly causing their arrival. DeSantis, not having a land border with Mexico, had no such pretext. Instead, he had to find immigrants in Texas and, essentially, kidnap them for his own use.
To acquire the bait for his stunt, DeSantis apparently deployed staff into Texas to mislead the targets.
And, oopsie: DeSantis Sending Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard Might Have Been Illegal Under Florida Law
’Humour over rumour’: Taiwan eyes Ukraine messaging model if China attacks
Military briefing: Ukraine offensive ‘dooms’ Russia’s aims for Donbas
Trump Advisers Fear Probes Are More Expansive
Gone, for most in Trump World, was the bravado that this probe too would pass and that the 45th president would emerge stronger. Instead, there was growing anxiety about what could be next, as well as fears that those in the inner circle may flip on their friends to save themselves.
There is speculation that the scope of those targeted is much larger, with some close to Trump suggesting that the number of subpoenas issued is between 50 and 75. There is, in addition, growing fear that the very people who are being tasked to help deflect some of the legal heat that Trump is under for a variety of investigations — chief among them, his handling of classified material at his home in Mar-a-Lago — could potentially be in legal trouble themselves.
Now Marjorie Taylor Greene is . . . kicking people?
In tangentially related news, Effort to Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene From Ballot Can Proceed, Judge Says
Webb’s Dazzling Views of the Orion Nebula
The Trans Joker Movie Is a Sight to See. Too Bad It Might Never Be Seen Again.
‘Blade Runner 2099’ Series Greenlighted By Amazon With Ridley Scott Executive Producing
Well, I doubt that it could be any worse than Bladerunner 2049.