Let's Unpack The Rare Glint Pack and Raise The Soulbound Summoner ! | Splinterlands Weekly Socmed Challenge

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. With the new announcement that current reward cards will be over and we will getting new reward series cards, I try to pull as much as I can to get the summoner the allow gladius card to enter the battlefield. Those gladius cards can be a secret weapon because they are not tradable and rentable, so it is important to have those summoner if you want them on ranked battle or tournament. I decide to bought all 100 rare pack after new batch is coming, let's see what I've got !


100 Rare Pack Opening

In order to complete the 100 rare draws, I have to spent 50.000 glint, and since I want a gold foil version, I had to spent 100 alchemy potion to doubled the chance for gold foil cards !


The first 15 draws are not fulfill my expectation because it's only contain 4 summoner cards, and none of them all gold foil cards ! What a bad start for me. Let's check the rest !

The next 15 draws are better with 7 summoners in total, plus a gold foil earth card there.

Next, from 15 draws, I got another 7 summoner, and one of the summoner is gold foil version. Not bad~

The next 15 draws, I got 8 summoner without any gold foil card. Still OK because I want the summoner

Now here is the best 15 draws, because I got 11 summoners! And 2 of them are even gold foil version ! Look at those 2 first row that only have 2 monster each, and the last row that all filled with summoners !

Now it's another decent pull with 8 summoner and another earth element gold foil monster

The party is over, with 4 summoner out of last 10 pull, and 1 water monster on gold foil version


Let's Upgrade

This is a must after the unpack, because I want to have stronger deck

Let's start with the pyrewatch devil, now he can be upgraded into level 5

He will gain new ability, the dispel ability that could be usefull to remove all buff such as the martyr and bloodlust from the enemies he hit.

Next the pembrook nypmh on gold foil version, that can be upgraded into 3rd level.

She will able to get level 4 common, level 3 rare, level 2 epic, and level 2 legendary now. Pretty good for the use of gold foil brawl.

Next there is Riverboat Captain that can be upgraded into 5th level.

He will get one extra health into 6, looks small upgrade, but this mean he can get healed with 1 more regen from +1 into +2.

Now let's upgrade the earth summoner lobb lowland that can upgraded into 5th level

The summoner that can summon quora and katrelba is now able to bring level 6 common, level 5 rare, level 4 epic, and lv 3 legendary monster !

Next there is the madcap magus that the gold foil version are now able to upgrade into level 3.

Beside the gold foil, the regular foild are able to upgraded as well, into level 5.

At 5th level, he will get 1 more health into 3 hp, makes him better at surviving the battle.

Next there is Octavia Shadowmeld, that are able to upgraded into 6th level to let her bring gold league max capped monster.

Next there is the ravenhood warden, that are able to upgraded into 6th level as well.

He get 1 more speed to attack faster. 1 more speed can be a decisive as well if it's against lower speed enemies that tried to strike him from behind.


Upcoming Target

My target are still trying to maxed out all summoner, and the monster as well. Even if they are tradeable later, I think I want to keep them to help me on the battlefield.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post. Are you waiting for the next reward cards or trying to get the most from the current series just like me? Please let me know by put it on comment section below :)

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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@marianaemilia , @arcange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


Overall, it looks like some decent pulls, well done !
