New Reward Card -Rare Series- Identification

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. New reward cards for rebellion series are implemented, I'm still try to figure out which pack I need to buy, because my legendary unpack are just not meed my expectation, and after doing research about the legendary monster, I think it's not worth for, that's why I'm trying to do research by rarity to pick which one I should buy. Common packs are already identified on my post here , now let's move to the rare series !


Fire Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

Let's start with the fire element, there is 2 new rare cards as reward here :

Drybone megalodon is the first one, this megalodon have the flank ability that could help the team mates from 2nd position to gain the reach ability. This shark also have quite high melee damage with 3 damage at 1st level and improved into 4 since 2nd level. He also got the retaliate at 4th level, and thorn ability at 8th level. Quite usefull monster, I would rate him 7/10.

Next there is continuum seer. This monster is having the ability to hit back enemy when their attack is missed, so she will depend on speed and blind buff. She also got the phase at 3rd level to max out the previous ability. Her max speed is 8 at max level, with 3 magic damage. I think she will be great if we can max her. The only problem is her low health, which become an easy target, but could waste enemies opportunity as well if she can evade them all. I would rate this monster as 7/10 as well.


Water Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

Such a huge monster for the water element. This commander slade is started with 2 abilities, and could up into 4 at max level. For a big monster. He got the enfeeble and evade since the first level, which makes him a great monster for melee battle. For such high mana, I would rate him 7/10 as well.

Next there is Razorhound. This range monster is having the streghthen buff to increase team hhealth point. He will got the true strike since 4th level, and void at max level. This monster only got the range damage improve since 7th level, which makes me rate this monster just 6/10


Earth Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

Now for the earth element, is started with the thunderhoof nomad. Low mana monster with the anti blast ability. She only got 1 magic damage and could be 2 since 6th level (But since there is the CL summoner, her magic damage can be improved). She got the strenghten at 4th level, and at max level, she have the usefull triage ability. For low mana use, she can be usefull, I will rate her 7/10.

Next there is Quillion Legionary. Another monster with up to 4 ability. Having 8 mana cost, this monster having 2 range damage, with the close range ability to allow him attack from the front. He also had 8 health and an armor to help him survive. At 2nd level, he even got the thorn ability and since 4th level he got void ability. What become even more interesting is at max level he got the bloodlust ability ! I think this monster would be usefull, and I would rate him at 9/10


Life Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

For the first life monster, this janni rebel is having usefull flank and inspire ability. It's such a great combination to hive the backline more damage and allow them to reach. She also got quite high health for survive, but I think having the taunt monster at the back could be better to max out the monster on 2nd position. I would rate her with 8/10

Next there is skyspire leopard. This monster having no ability at the start, but having retaliate at 2nd level, and void armor at 4th level. For 5 mana cost monster, I think his stats is so-so, need 4th lv at least to compete after the void armor is unlocked. I would rate this monster 6/10.


Death Common Rewards Rebellion Edition

Death monster is having a great addition with a monster that keep reducing enemies speed. This new ability is supported with the slow debuf at 4th level. This monster is having anti blast as well at 5th level, and redemption at max level. His range damage is improved at 3rd level into 4 range damage, and I would rate this monster as 8/10.

Next there is dark arborist. Having cost just 4 mana, this monster is having very usefull demoralize ability against all melee monster. He also got reflect magic at 3rd level and void at max level. I think it's a great addition for death element and I would rate this monster as 8/10


Dragon Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

Next there is a dragon element monster, that gives more assasin option with opportunity ability, plus the chance to become stronger on each eliminated monster with the scavenger ability. His damage is become a serious thread once his level get near max with 5 damage at the most ! I will rate thus monster 7/10


Neutral Rare Rewards Rebellion Edition

Last there is the neutral element named chaos adjutant. This monster is having scattershot ability and snare since 3rd level and poison at max level. The problem is that his damage is too little, and he will depend heavily on poison at max level. I will rate this monster at 6/10


Upcoming Target

There is some rare reward cards that I think worth to get, with Quilliun Legionary, Janni Rebel, and Duo from Death element as my main target. Gonna try to spent some glint for the rare pack soon !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post. What do you think about this edition cards ? Please let me know by put it on comment section below :)

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