The Splinterlands Game Proposal


Hello and Namaste Everyone

Splinterlands is a fantastic game project on Hive and I have been playing this since 2020. What was the time when the lockdown started forget those days when this game was very helpful for me because I could play it for a couple of hours. We can't watch TV for so many hours and that is when we needed something else and it was the time when the splinterlands game was such a fun time for my son and me. This time the game is going through a tough time and seems that they are trying to overcome the problems they are going through. In the Crypto market bear market is a tough time for projects and the reality is that the duration for a bull is way shorter than a bear market.


Because of the payer market which has been ongoing for more than 2 years, the game is going through a hard time. They have submitted a funding proposal and it's for 500K which they are expecting to receive in the next 6 months. This is the first ever project I have seen for such a small duration but the amount is surely high as compared to other proposals that are funded at the moment. I don't know what community is going to decide about this proposal but as an individual and player of the game, I think this should be supported. We must understand that the game is an important part of the hive ecosystem. Splinterlands game had done a lot for the hive and now it is time to help the project so that they can overcome the tough time.

There are some concerns raised by people in the post and it's worth reading. I hope that the founder also goes through those comments and tries to change these points in the game and hopefully, it can help the game ecosystem to improve and grow. I don't understand much about technical because I'm not from that background but as a player, I find this game a fantastic one. I am happy to support this project and I have already voted for the proposal but I'm just a player who does not bring a big value to the table. This proposal is for the community And if the community agrees then it will be funded and splinterlands will be getting the required funds to overcome the challenges they are going through as of now.

Apart from this I want to share that they have reduced the reward in the wild and also implemented some changes only in this format which should not be there. They need to make the game more user-friendly for new players. If we expect more new people in the game then it has to be user-friendly so that new people do not find it difficult and we should also have some mechanism in place that can support them to start their in-game journey. I don't know what is going to happen with the proposal but I look forward to seeing how it goes and I hope they get community support with their proposal. We surely need splinterlands at the hive so it is the time when we need to support them.

You can join the game using my below affiliate link-

[Images are taken from splinterlands wherever the image source is not mentioned]

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
