Hive PUD #7 ⚡| Growing the Hive Power! [EN/PT]

Every beginning of the month we have Hive Power Up Day and in July it couldn't be any different! It is an event whose objective is to take Liquid Hive and place it in Stake, improving the token's situation, because the lower the circulating Supply, the more stable it tends to be, because there will be fewer exchanges and sales.

It's guys, time is flying by, more than half the year has passed... Who has participated in all HPUD so far in edition 7 of 2024? Let's see in the comments how the Hive PUD has been for everyone!

I'll be much appreaciated if you Upvote, Reblogs or give any Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Thanks and have good reading! 🍀


📊 Preparation for HPUD! 📊

Source: BeeSwap - Swap

I always start HPUD by selling some tokens that I can convert on BeeSwap to get at least 10 Hive Power UP to participate in the Event. This time I got about 5,622 Swap.Hive by converting some tokens, however something different happened.

Source: Splinterlands Wild Pass

I don't know if many Splinterlands players will read this post, but now with Hive's HPUD, we have something "Similar" in Splinterlands to do 2x a month at the end of the Splinterlands Season, which is purchasing the Wild Pass. So, now with HPUD, anyone who is going to participate in Wild Format will have to set aside some cash to also buy the Wild Pass to play a Season of Splinterlands.

Source: BeeSwap - Convert

So, as I'm going to test the earnings in another season of Wild, I converted 1.6 Swap.Hive to 20.6 Vouchers that were missing to complete the 40 needed for the Wild Pass. The rest I ended up converting from SPS that I earn during the season and the other part I already had IN-Game. So I ended up having 1.25 Vouchers left after buying the pass and for the HPUD, I had about 4 Swap.Hive left, so I'll need to convert a little HBD to reach at least 10 Hive.

⚡ Hive Power UP Day #7 ⚡

Source: CoinMarketCap - $Hive

This is a great time for you who are going to participate in Hive Power UP Day, because the Hive token is at its lowest level in recent months, staying in the range of $0.21 and $0.22 in recent days, this makes you get more Hives with less Investment. Furthermore, you have greater appreciation potential since you are buying when the token is low.

Source: HiveBR - Thread Day

In this month of July I did several Power UPs, mainly to be able to participate in the Event promoted by HiveBR, in which there was a lot of interaction through comments on Inleo and for that I needed a lot of RC, which led me to do the PowerUPs. Overall it was a great event and I recommend everyone check out the daily Thread Days run by the community.

There were people who reached zero RC in this event and many like me who remained well below 50% even after increasing RC a few times and receiving some RC delegations haha!

Source: PEAKD

As I had already done a lot of Power Ups this month, my HPUD was simple in comparison, worth 10HP. From Swap.Hive with some Hive that I had, it gave me 4.3 Hive, so I did a conversion on the Ecency Exchange of 5.7 to complete the 10 Hive. This time to differentiate I did Power UP by Peakd.

Ready now, just wait and receive the HPUD Participation medal!

Todo início de Mês temos o Hive Power Up Day e em Julho isso não poderia ser diferente! É um evento cujo objetivo é pegar a Hive Líquida e colocá-la em Stake melhorando a situação do token, porque quanto menor foi o Supply circulante, mais ele tende a fica estável, porque haverá menos trocas e vendas.

É pessoal o tempo está voando já passou mais da metade do ano... Quem aí participou de todos HPUD até agora na edição 7 de 2024? Vamos ver nos comentários como tem sido o Hive PUD da galera!

Fico agradecido se você upder dar um Upvote, Reblogs ou algum Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Obrigado e boa leitura! 🍀


📊 Preparação para o HPUD! 📊

Source: BeeSwap - Swap

Eu sempre começo o HPUD vendo alguns tokens que eu posso fazer a conversão no BeeSwap para conseguir pelo menos o mínimo de 10 Hive de Power UP para participar do Evento. Dessa vez eu consegui uns 5.622 Swap.Hive convertendo alguns tokens, entretanto algo diferente aconteceu.

Source: Splinterlands Wild Pass

Não sei se tem muitos jogadores de Splinterlands vão ler esse post, mas agora junto do HPUD da Hive, temos no Splinterlands algo "Similar" para fazer 2x por mês no final da Season do Splinterlands que é a compra do Wild Pass. Então, agora junto do HPUD quem for participar do Wild Format vai ter qeu separar um pouco de caixa para também comprar o Wild Pass para jogar uma Season do Splinterlands.

Source: BeeSwap - Convert

Assim, como eu vou testar os ganhos em mais uma season do Wild, fiz a conversão de 1.6 Swap.Hive para 20.6 Vouchers que faltavam para completar os 40 necessários para o Wild Pass. O restante eu acabei convertendo de SPS que ganho durante a season e a outra parte eu já tinha IN-Game. Daí acabou sobrando 1,25 Vouchers depois de comprar o passe e para o HPUD, sobrou uns 4 Swap.Hive, então vou precisar converter um pouco de HBD para chegar no mínimo de 10 Hive.

⚡ Hive Power UP Day #7 ⚡

Source: CoinMarketCap - $Hive

Esse é um ótimo momento para você que vai participar do Hive Power UP Day, porque o token da Hive está na baixa dos últimos meses, ficando na faixa de $0,21 e $0,22 nesses últimos dias, isso faz com que você consiga mais Hives com menos Investimento. Ainda, você tem um potencial de valorização maior já que está comprando na baixa do token.

Source: HiveBR - Thread Day

Nesse mês de Julho eu fiz diversos Power UPs, principalmente para conseguir participar do Evento promovido pela HiveBR, em que nele havia muita interação por meio de comentários na Inleo e para isso precisei de muito RC, o que me levou à fazer os Power UPs. No geral foi um ótimo evento e recomendo todos a darem uma olhada nos Thread Days feitos diariamente pela comunidade.

Teve gente que chegou à zerar o RC nesse evento e muitos como eu que ficaram bem abaixo dos 50% mesmo depois de aumentar o RC algumas vezes e recebendo algumas delegações de RC haha!

Source: PEAKD

Como já tinha feito muitos Power Ups esse mês, meu HPUD foi simples em comparação, no valor de 10HP. De Swap.Hive com um pouco de Hive que eu tinha deu uns 4.3 Hive, então eu fiz uma conversão na Exchange da Ecency de 5,7 para completar os 10 Hive. Dessa vez para diferenciar fiz o Power UP pela Peakd.

Pronto agora é só esperar e receber a medalha de Participação do HPUD!

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Thank you for reading. See ya! 👋👋

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations @rimurutempest! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024

Whatever the amount, it's still a power up!
And yessss you said it right, now's the perfect time to buy Hive because it's on sale 😂
Happy HPUD to you @rimurutempest!


Congratulations @rimurutempest! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024