Splinterlands 🐉| Upgrading the Deck - 40x Rare Draws! [EN/PT]


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Another season of Splinterlands has come to an end, and with that the Glints that we collected in the season with the "bonus" Glint end up becoming available. Come check out what I decided to do with my glint, improving my deck with Rare Draws and see if this can help you too.

I'll be much appreaciated if you Upvote, Reblogs or give any Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Thanks and have good reading! 🍀


🔹 40x Rare Draws 🔹

Source: Splinterlands

In this first draw of 20x Rares, I got 3x Lobb from the summoner; 2x Helios; 1x Octavia and 1x Franz. Helping to level them up later. Also, some very interesting cards that I use came from were 4x RavenWood Warden and 1x Venari Marksrat.

Source: Splinterlands

In the second wave of 20x Rare Draws, some summoners continued to arrive, which is interesting. 3x Octavias and Franz came; 2x Eternan Brune and Lobb and 1x Helios. From monsters I like to use came 2x Venari and 1x RavenHood.

Monster improvements were Pyrewatch Devil evolved to level 4; War Pegasus, which is a great Life card, upgraded to 3. Another that upgraded to 3 was RavenHood Warden, very strong on the Death team, has good attack, low maan cost and gives +2 Shield. Furthermore, I upgraded Venari Marksrat to 3, gaining 1 more HP.

🤔 Strategy 🤔

Source: Splinterlands

My strategy when opening Rare Draws is to get the Soulbound Summoners that come in the packs. Then combine them until level 4-5, which is the level of my cards currently, thus increasing the range of options during battles between choosing one of these summoners or others I already have.

In Rare Draws, a Rare card is guaranteed to come and as the summoners are all rare, it is one of the most rewarding Draws because in the game they determine the level of power that you will be able to use with your other cards. So it's better to go straight to Rare Draw than to try your luck with the game's random chests that can contain a 33% potion or 33% Energy and in the other 33% a card that can be Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary, being common has a greater chance.

With what came in these packs I managed to level Helios to Level 3, Franz to Level 4 and finally Octavia to Level 4. Furthermore, the other summoners are close to leveling too, showing that the strategy makes sense and works to level up summoners.

⚔️ 6x Gladius Cases ⚔️

Source: Splinterlands

Another part of my strategy is to spend 2k Glint every season to get 1 extra Gladius Case with Merits from the Glint Shop. With this I can buy 6x Gladius Cases with what I had collected from Brawls.

In these packs, what was interesting were two epics: A tank with the fire element Gorth and an Archer with 4 attacks with the Water element, Eith Emberstar, which I raised to level 2. However, overall I was unable to level no more cards from the Gladius collection, but it was progress on the account and every step forward counts :)

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Mais uma season de Splinterlands chegou ao fim, e com isso os Glints que a gente juntou na temporada com o Glint "bonus" acabam ficando disponíveis. Venha conferir o que eu resolvi fazer com o meu glint, melhorando o meu deck com Rare Draws e veja se isso pode te ajudar também.

Fico agradecido se você upder dar um Upvote, Reblogs ou algum Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Obrigado e boa leitura! 🍀


🔹 40x Rare Draws 🔹

Source: Splinterlands

Nessa primeira draw de 20x Rares, consegui de summoner 3x Lobb; 2x Helios; 1x Octavia e 1x Franz. Ajudando para upar eles depois. Além disso, algumas cartas muito interessantes que eu uso vieram foram 4x RavenWood Warden e 1x Venari Marksrat.

Source: Splinterlands

Já na segunda leva de 20x Rare Draws, continou vindo alguns summoners, o que é interssante. Vieram 3x Octavias e Franz; 2x Eternan Brune e Lobb e 1x Helios. De monstros que eu gosto de usar vieram 2x Venari e 1x RavenHood.

As melhorias nos monstros foram Pyrewatch Devil evoluiu para o nível 4; War Pegasus que é uma ótima carta de Life upou para o 3. Outro que upou para o 3 foi o RavenHood Warden, muito forte no time de Death, tem bom ataque, baixo custo de maan e dá +2 de Shield. Ainda, upei o Venari Marksrat para o 3, ganhando mais 1 de HP.

🤔 Estratégia 🤔

Source: Splinterlands

A minha estratégia ao abrir os Rare Draws é conseguir pegar os Summoners Soulbound que vem nos packs. Depois juntar eles até o nível 4-5 que é o nível das minhas cartas atualmente, aumentando dessa forma o leque de opções durante as batalhas entre escolher um desses summoners ou outros que eu já tenho.

Nos Rare Draws é garantido de vir uma carta Rara e como os summoners são todos raros, é uma das Draws que mais compensam porque no jogo eles que determinam o nível de poder que você vai poder usar com as suas outras cartas. Assim é melhor ir direto no Rare Draw do que tentar à sorte com os baús aleatórios do jogo que podem vir poção 33% ou Energia 33% e nos outros 33% uma carta que pode ser Comum, Rara, Epica e Lendária, sendo que comum tem uma chance maior.

Com o que veio nesses packs eu consegui upar a Helios para o Level 3, o Franz para o 4 e finalmente a Octavia para o 4. Ainda, os outros summoners estão perto de upar também, mostrando que a estratégia faz sentido e funciona para upar os summoners.

⚔️ 6x Gladius Cases ⚔️

Source: Splinterlands

Uma outra parte da minha estratégia é toda season gastar 2k de Glint para pegar 1 Gladius Case extra com os Merits da Glint Shop. Com isso eu conseguir comprar 6x Gladius Cases com o que eu tinha juntado dos Brawls.

Nesses packs o que veio de interessante foram duas épicas: Um tank do elemento fire Gorth e um Arqueiro de 4 de ataque do elemento Water, a Eith Emberstar, que eu upei para o level 2. Entretanto, no geral não consegui upar mais nenhuma carta da coleção Gladius, mas já foi um progresso na conta e todo passo para frente conta :)

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Thank you for reading. See ya! 👋👋

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Uggh no gold. I would cry.

Necesito mas oro!


Yeah no Gold Foil :/ At least I've upgraded some summoners :)
