My first gold card ^^


I greet everyone again, today the daily task thought that I would again get something ordinary, but how wrong I was, today I got a gold card for the first time, of course, it does not cost millions of dollars, but I am happy with that, because I am in the game all 2 weeks, so I think this is a very good result, I hope this is not my last card, but all the best is yet to come, how do you think at what rank is it best to stay? I am now at Silver ll but I can already go to silver l but I have to spend a little more DEC, do you think it's worth the risk?ура.JPG

3.478 SPT


The cost doesn't matter, it's yourfirst Gold Card!
Celebrate !PIZZA

0.000 SPT

Thank you, I completely agree the main thing is not the price, but the main attention, and they will never give up sooner or later luck will smile at all of us.

0.000 SPT

Congrats! I also got my first gold card but yesterday 😀! I think it is just beggining of your jurney 😎

0.000 SPT

My main account is solidly silver I. At last check I was top 100 on the Silver leaderboard. I wouldn't rent cards just to get to silver I but don't be afraid of it if you can battle in Silver II. The worst that happens if you go to Silver I is that you drop back down to silver II if you have a streak of losses.

Now the jump from Silver I to Gold III is a huge jump. I have done that before and find it much harder to complete my daily quests and get beaten up far more frequently. Don't make that jump until you are ready :)

Happy hunting!

0.000 SPT

Splinterlands makes it easy to earn on a daily .


0.000 SPT