A Thrilling Splinterlands Showdown with Quix the Devious | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Welcome, fellow readers and Splinterlands enthusiasts!

Today, I'm thrilled to share with you an exhilarating experience from one of the most intense battles I’ve had in Splinterlands. For those unfamiliar, Splinterlands is a blockchain-based card game where each card is a digital asset with unique abilities.

In every battle, players must choose a team consisting of a summoner and several monsters to face off against an opponent’s team. Every decision, from card selection to formation strategy, plays a crucial role in determining the final outcome.

Let’s dive right into the battle!

For this particular match, I opted to use Quix the Devious as my main summoner. Quix's ability to reduce the enemy's ranged attack and speed often makes a significant difference in battle.

My team lineup included:

  1. Void Dragon (Level 3) - This dragon monster is equipped with flying, void, and phase, making it incredibly hard to hit with both magic and physical attacks.
  2. Janni Rebel (Level 1) - With flank and inspire abilities, Janni is a versatile monster that boosts the attack power of the rest of the team.
  3. Djinn Renova (Level 4) - This Djinn is reliable with its strengthen skill, which increases the team’s HP, and triage to heal backline monsters.
  4. Nimbledook Explorer (Level 3) - The team’s protector with protect, adding armor to all monsters.
  5. Berix Snakeye (Level 1) - Despite being only at level 1, Berix contributes greatly with its weapon training and void armor.
  6. Evelyn Auvera (Level 2) - Evelyn's immunity makes her resistant to various debuffs, which is a major advantage.

On the other side, my opponent was led by Grandmaster Rathe, a summoner who grants additional armor and void armor to the entire enemy team, as well as enhancing magic attack power. Their team was composed of formidable monsters like Time Medler, Pelacor Conjurer, Aves Sturgis, Adelade Brightwing, Prismologist, and War Pegasus.

With the Keep Your Distance and Taking Sides rules in place and a total mana cap of 48, I knew this was going to be a high-stakes battle. I decided to place Void Dragon at the front as the main tank, while the rest supported with attacks and protection.

Round one began with Void Dragon dodging several attacks. The opponent's Time Medler, with its dodge skill, also proved tough, but was eventually taken down by accurate hits from my team.

Round two was more intense. The resilient Pelacor Conjurer finally fell to Janni Rebel. Evelyn Auvera showed her strength by taking out Aves Sturgis, a monster also equipped with weapon training.

Round three reached a climax as the opponent's Adelade Brightwing and Prismologist were eliminated by a barrage of attacks from my team. With only War Pegasus left, I could feel victory within my grasp.

Round four was the sweet conclusion. The remaining War Pegasus, now in the front position, couldn’t launch many effective attacks and absorbed relentless blows from my team. In the end, the battle concluded with a well-deserved victory for my team.

For the full battle replay, you can watch it here:


The takeaway from this battle is: The importance of choosing a balanced team of monsters that complement each other. Relying on one or two strong monsters isn’t enough, especially when facing an opponent with a solid team. In this match, Void Dragon’s ability to evade multiple attacks, along with the support from Janni Rebel and Djinn Renova, were the key factors that secured the win.

That’s the thrilling story of one of my battles in Splinterlands. I hope this experience inspires you to keep experimenting with new strategies in every fight!

Talk about Splinterlands,
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