Amazing Battle and Amazing Abilities | Rebirth & Martyr & Dispel | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

Hello everyone, Welcome to my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. In this post, I will talk about Rebirth Ability, Martyr Ability, Dispel Ability, and Born Again ruleset and I will also talk about an amazing battle. I hope it will be useful for you.

In the Splinterlands, all abilities can be effective in battles and especially when used with a good strategy, some of them are incredibly effective when used within certain rulesets or combined with certain abilities. In short, it is up to our to make the abilities more effective in battles with our strategy. Let's examine some of these abilities.

Rebirth Ability

When Monsters with the Rebirth Ability die, they self-resurrect with 1 Health (with all their armor) once per battle. Actually, the Rebirth Ability is exclusive to the Runicore, but in battles with the Born Again ruleset, all Monsters gain the Rebirth Ability.

Additionally, when a Monster dies and is resurrected, it does not attack at all during that round, it will attack in subsequent rounds. Once Poisoned Monsters are revived, they are no longer impacted by poison, but can be poisoned with a new poisoning attack. So, in battles with the Noxious Fumes Ruleset, Monsters are not impacted by poison after being resurrected.

By the way, in battles with the Born Again Ruleset, many players, including me, use the Bloodlust Ability and Martyr Ability very often, because Monsters with increased stats are much more effective in battles.


Martyr Ability

When a Monster with the Martyr Ability dies, adjacent Monsters get +1 to all stats. Monsters with the Martyr Ability can be resurrected multiple times, and will increase all stats of adjacent Monsters upon each death.

By the way, the Resurrect Ability brings a friendly Monster back to life with 1 Health when it dies. (This ability can only trigger once per battle).

In short, with the Martyr Ability, you can make some of the Monsters in your team more dangerous for the enemies. And when the Martyr Ability is triggered more than once, the adjacent Monsters will become more effective in battle and much more dangerous to enemies.

Dispel Ability

Of course, increasing all the stats of friendly Monsters makes them more effective in battles, so many players, including me, attach great importance to increasing their stats. Dispel Ability is a killer of these types of strategies.

When a Monster with the Dispel Ability hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy. The Dispel ability will remove positive status effects from a Monster even if it has the Immunity ability. Dispel works against inspire, protect, strengthen, and swiftness and removes the bloodlust and martyr effects. However, it does not remove weapons training. It's a really powerful ability and does a great job of disrupting opponents' strategies like the ones I mentioned above. I attach great importance to including it in my lineup, especially against Bloodlust and Martyr abilities, thus disrupting my opponents' plans.

Let's examine what I explained above in a battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Born Again: All Monsters have the Rebirth ability.

According to the ruleset of the battle, all monsters in this battle will have Rebirth Ability.

First of all, since I want to use a Gladiator card and the Monsters from the Life Unit, I choose Franz Ruffmane as the Summoner. In the first position, I put Uriel the Purifier with the Flying, Recharge and Heal abilities, while in the third position I put Captain Katie with the Snipe and Bloodlust abilities, and in between them I put Iziar with the Taunt, Void and Martyr abilities.

Since Iziar has the Taunt Ability, all the enemy Monsters in the backline would target it, so they would attack to destroy it first. I will also include the Resurrect Ability in my lineup so Iziar will need to be destroyed three times in this battle, so if the enemies manage to destroy Iziar, the Martyr ability will trigger three times.

Additionally, I will include Repair, Triage, and Tank Heal in my lineup, making it much harder for enemies to destroy both Uriel the Purifier and Iziar. Frankly, I had no doubt that the opponent player would use a Gladiator card and the Martyr Ability, so I included the Dispel Ability in my lineup.

The fact that Spirit Hoarder only has 3 mana and has both Triage Ability and Dispel Ability makes it special for me in such battles. That's why I added it to my team without hesitation.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

It didn't surprise me that the opposing player used a Gladiator card and the Martyr ability because, as in many battles, especially in battles with the Born Again ruleset, Gladiators can be very effective and the Martyr ability works very well.

In battle, triggering the Martyr Ability three times caused Uriel the Purifier and Captain Katie to get +1 to all their stats three times. Additionally, because Captain Katie has the Bloodlust Ability, it gets +1 to all its stats every time it destroyed an opponent, which happened six times in this battle. Both of them became much more dangerous to the enemy in this battle, and their stats at the end of the battle were remarkable.

Although the opposing player had a similar strategy with the Martyr Ability, the Dispel Ability turned this strategy upside down. It removed all positive effects gained by Legionnaire Alvar and Quora Towershead, preventing them from being very effective in the battle. This is exactly why I attach great importance to incorporating the Dispel Ability into my lineup.

Especially Uriel the Purifier and Captain Katie's attacks were so brutal, they could almost destroy their targets with just a single hit.

The battle lasted 8 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, 5 monsters on my team were alive. Also, except for Iziar, the Monsters in my team did not use the Rebirth Ability. This battle was a good example of how useful the Rebirth Ability, Martyr Ability, and Dispel Ability are in battles.

Brief descriptions of the abilities I mentioned above;

  • Rebirth Ability : When this Unit dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle.
  • Martyr Ability : When this Unit dies, adjacent Units get +1 to all stats.
  • Dispel Ability : When this Unit hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.
  • Snipe Ability : Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks.
  • Bloodlust Ability : This Unit revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.
  • Resurrect Ability : When a friendly Unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle.
  • Repair Ability : Restores a third of max armor to the friendly Unit whose armor has taken the most damage.
  • Taunt Ability : All enemy Units target this Unit (if they are able to).
  • Triage Ability : Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health.
  • Tank Ability : Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round.
  • Heal Ability : Restores a third of max health to this Unit's health each round.
  • Flying Ability : Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Recharge Ability : This Unit attacks every other round but does 3x damage.

I have already talked about the abilities above, so I will not talked about the abilities again, please take a look above, also if you have anything you want to ask, feel free to ask, I will be happy to answer them. I hope you enjoyed my battle and this post will be useful for you.

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

Would you like to join Splinterlands? Here is my reference link

Thank you for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you for sharing this battle in the community
Nice lineup. Choice of life water in the arena is super cool. Your strategy worked.


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